Текст песни
Well you should have been buried alive, i would follow you a thousand miles
Stop for a while and just listen, stop for a while and just listen
far too pretty to lie lie lie
Well you should have been buried alive, stop for a while and just listen
Well you should a been buried alive, don t you know you re too young to die, well you should have been buried alive
Well you should a been buried alive, would have been better to lie
i can only take so much
Well you should have been buried alive, well you should have been buried alive, well you should a been buried alive
I would follow you a thousand miles, crazy looking mama Buried, far too pretty to lie lie lie
Far to pretty far too pretty, cause you re far to pretty to die Wood, i can only take so much
well you should have been buried alive
Far too pretty to lie lie lie, stop for a while and just listen
Far too pretty to lie lie lie, far too pretty to lie lie lie Wood, well you should have been buried alive
Well you should have been buried alive, don t you know you re too young to die Alive, too many low joints involved
Well you should have been buried alive, cause you re far too pretty to die Alive, i would follow you a thousand miles
Don t stick on me all your hurts, i would follow you a thousand miles
Don t you know you re too young to die, don t you know you re too young to die
Far too pretty to lie lie lie, don t you know you re too young to die, well you should have been buried alive
i would follow you a thousand miles
far to pretty far too pretty
You re much to perfect to lose, well you should have been buried alive
Too many low joints involved, well you should have been buried alive
cause you re far to pretty to die
Well you should a been buried alive, well you should have been buried alive, i would follow you a thousand miles
I can only take so much, cause you re far to pretty to die Alive, well you should have been buried alive
You re much to perfect to lose, crazy looking mama
Far to pretty far too pretty, would have been better to lie Wood, cause you re far too pretty to die
Don t you know you re too young to die, tired of meeting on my terms, well you should have been buried alive
Cause you re far to pretty to lie, you re much to perfect to lose Wood, cause you re far to pretty to die
you re knifing me where it hurts
You re much to perfect to lose, well you should have been buried alive, crazy looking mama
Would have been better to lie, cause you re far to pretty to die
Crazy looking mama, stop for a while and just listen Alive, far too pretty to lie lie lie
Cause you re far to pretty to die, you re knifing me where it hurts Wood, well you should have been buried alive