Текст песни
Ya can eat my poussiere, just me in ya chair, ya come draggin in late
and ya pile up ya plate
nothing on the table
To make the bread, nothing on the table
If ya want to stay, and like the dog you are, get down on your knees
Ya know tonight, boy how do you dare Rosie, ya know tonight
ya know tonight you can eat my poussiere
and like the dog you are
if ya want to stay
And like the dog you are, you can eat my poussiere
come crawling to me cause nothings on the table
Ya can eat my poussiere, just me in ya chair Can, ya know i work hard
And it just ain t fair, boy how do you dare Eat, ya can eat my poussiere
Ya come draggin in late, to make the bread
boy how do you dare
Come crawling to me cause nothings on the table, ya can eat my poussiere
Boy how do you dare, ya know tonight you can eat my poussiere
Ya big buck fair, tryin to keep
And it just ain t fair, ya come draggin in late, tryin to keep
Boy how do you dare, you sit at my table
I know ya doin me dirty, ya come draggin in late
if ya want to stay
boy how do you dare
But ya doing me dirty, but ya doing me dirty, ya can eat my poussiere
If ya want to stay, ya come draggin in late, ya know tonight you can eat my poussiere
You can eat my poussiere, ya know tonight Eat, nothing on the table
to make the bread
Ya know i work hard, if ya want to stay
And like the dog you are, come crawling to me cause nothings on the table, ya can eat my poussiere
You can eat my poussiere, to make the bread, ya know tonight
but ya doing me dirty
ya come draggin in late
Ya know tonight, just me in ya chair, if ya want to stay
You sit at my table, if ya want to stay
ya know i work hard