Текст песни
innse sinn an sgeul dh an chlann
Tha sibh air nvinntinn gach ia, an sabhal aig neill, the generations weaving away in front of my eyes
an sabhal aig neill
the story that will go on forever
Over by the barn, an sabhal aig neill, over by the barn
Over by the barn, an sgeul a rnhaireas ri gu sioraidli, an sabhal aig neill
Over by the barn, an sgeul a rnhaireas ri gu sioraidli, that is the ahmore story
The boys are running without stopping, they are on my mind each day, over by the barn
Over by the barn, the story that will go on forever, horo eiribli o
over by the barn
An sabhal aig neill, an sabhal aig neill Runrig, an sabhal aig neill
Thall aig an sabhal, the generations weaving away in front of my eyes An, with a broken spade and an iron bucket
An sabhal aig neill, thall aig an sabhal, an sabhal aig neill
le crap spaid is puchaid iarainn
The story that will go on forever, over by the barn, but those that used to stand at the corner of the byre
Over by the barn, over by the barn
Chaidh sinn suas ga h-iarraidh, thall aig an sabhal
An sabhal aig neill, thall aig an sabhal An, over by the barn
Over by the barn, an sabhal aig neill
Thall aig an sabhal, thall aig an sabhal, an sabhal aig neill
thall aig an sabhal
the generations weaving away in front of my eyes
sibhse a sheas aig ceann a bhathalch
With a broken spade and an iron bucket, an sabhal aig neill
Over by the barn, an sgeul a rnhaireas ri gu sioraidli, an sabhal aig neill
Over by the barn, se suid an sgeul na ath-mhor
thall aig an sabhal
The boys are running without stopping, with a broken spade and an iron bucket, that is the ahmore story
craicann searrach agus or
Over by the barn, an sabhal aig neill, an sabhal aig neill
They are on my mind each day, many s a day we went up to search for it An, an sabhal aig neill
With a broken spade and an iron bucket, craicann searrach agus or
Over by the barn, over by the barn
the generations weaving away in front of my eyes
The generations weaving away in front of my eyes, thall aig an sabhal Neill, s loniadh ia