Текст песни
Turn around and say goodbye, turn around and say goodbye
Spirits turned bitter by the poison of envy, turn around and say goodbye
Let the demons dwell, turn your back and walk away
turn your back and walk away
the ones who pretended to be so strong
Grudges you ve held for so long, wish them well, ones who ve done you wrong
Even the ones with the devil inside, turn around and say goodbye, the frightened and mean ones
let the demons dwell
Turn around and say goodbye, don t even pause and ask them why
ones who ve done you wrong
even the ones who will make you burn
Don t even pause and ask them why, the frightened and mean ones Them, even the lost ones you can only give up on
Even the ones with the devil inside, even the ones with the devil inside Wish, turn your back and walk away
Just wish them well, turn around and say goodbye
Turn your back and walk away, wish them well, don t even pause and ask them why
turn your back and walk away
Turn around and say goodbye, thank your stars you re not that way, turn around and say goodbye
Even though you re going through hell, turn your back and walk away, turn your back and walk away
Wish them well, wish them well, thank your stars you re not that way
let the demons dwell
Turn around and say goodbye, thank your stars you re not that way
turn around and say goodbye
Turn around and say goodbye, don t even pause and ask them why, it s not worth singing that same sad song
Wish them well, don t even pause and ask them why Well, wish them well
Wish them well, spirits turned bitter by the poison of envy Wish, the frightened and mean ones
just wish them well
Turn around and say goodbye, don t even pause and ask them why Well, wish them well
even the ones with the devil inside
Wish them well, thank your stars you re not that way Rush, spirits turned bitter by the poison of envy
Don t even pause and ask them why, wish them well
Turn around and say goodbye, don t even pause and ask them why
don t even pause and ask them why
Always angry and dissatisfied, turn around and say goodbye, don t even pause and ask them why