Текст песни
you have feet bigger than me
You have feet bigger than me, those of a ruthless murderess strong
Eternal enemies in the land silence, there is only the call of the blood
you have bigger eyes than me
You have feet bigger than me, today i m hungry fighting for a living
Eternal enemies in the land of silence, there is no victory no defeat, there is no victory no defeat
You are the king, eternal enemies in the land of silence, against your strength
eternal enemies in the land of silence
Today i m hungry fighting for a living, eternal enemies in the land of silence
Against your strength, my platoon let the battle being
There is only the call of the blood, you have feet bigger than me
You re not my king, sharp as your fingernail that as the blade pierces the flesh of your slaves
eternal enemies in the land of silence
There is only the call of the blood, today i m hungry fighting for a living, sharp as your fingernail that as the blade pierces the flesh of your slaves
you have bigger eyes than me
a hollow sound is the omen of the end
Eternal enemies in the land of silence, there is only the call of the blood
my platoon let the battle being
With the crown on your big and thick head a bow to your strong muscles, you re not my king, there is no victory no defeat
You have bigger eyes than me, there is only the call of the blood
Eternal enemies in the land of silence, eternal enemies in the land silence Enemies, you have bigger eyes than me
Those who have no remorse, you are the king
You are the king, those who have no remorse
You re not my king, sharp as your fingernail that as the blade pierces the flesh of your slaves
those of a ruthless murderess strong
With the crown on your big and thick head a bow to your strong muscles, eternal enemies in the land silence, with the crown on your big and thick head a bow to your strong muscles
you have bigger eyes than me
A hollow sound is the omen of the end, there is no victory no defeat
There is no victory no defeat, eternal enemies in the land of silence
Those of a ruthless murderess strong, there is no victory no defeat, there is no victory no defeat
There is no victory no defeat, sharp as your fingernail that as the blade pierces the flesh of your slaves
Eternal enemies in the land of silence, today i m hungry fighting for a living Enemies, a hollow sound is the omen of the end
There is no victory no defeat, you have feet bigger than me
Eternal enemies in the land of silence, there is only the call of the blood Enemies, there is no victory no defeat
There is only the call of the blood, there is no victory no defeat, those who have no remorse
those who have no remorse
Sharp as your fingernail that as the blade pierces the flesh of your slaves, eternal enemies in the land of silence
With the crown on your big and thick head a bow to your strong muscles, a hollow sound is the omen of the end
against your strength
there is no victory no defeat
You have feet bigger than me, my platoon let the battle being, my platoon let the battle being
you have bigger eyes than me
A hollow sound is the omen of the end, eternal enemies in the land of silence, eternal enemies in the land of silence
You have bigger eyes than me, you have bigger eyes than me, there is no victory no defeat
there is no victory no defeat
You have feet bigger than me, with the crown on your big and thick head a bow to your strong muscles
You are the king, those of a ruthless murderess strong, there is no victory no defeat
Eternal enemies in the land silence, with the crown on your big and thick head a bow to your strong muscles, eternal enemies in the land of silence
you are the king
My platoon let the battle being, those of a ruthless murderess strong
there is no victory no defeat
sharp as your fingernail that as the blade pierces the flesh of your slaves
Those of a ruthless murderess strong, with the crown on your big and thick head a bow to your strong muscles
Sharp as your fingernail that as the blade pierces the flesh of your slaves, you have bigger eyes than me
Those who have no remorse, those of a ruthless murderess strong, there is no victory no defeat
There is no victory no defeat, against your strength
There is no victory no defeat, sharp as your fingernail that as the blade pierces the flesh of your slaves
A hollow sound is the omen of the end, eternal enemies in the land of silence
you are the king