Текст песни
two for the show
One last refrain, how we have grown, two for the show
How we have grown, think of the seeds we have sown
Cause we can t let it end in tears again tonight, think of the seeds we have sown Sides, one last refrain
Two for the show, shake up all the rules find a brand new way to live
One last refrain, give it all we ve got till there isn t much left to give
how we have grown
Cause we can t let it end in tears again tonight, two for the show Sides, so are we gonna take out fears to terms tonight
Shake up all the rules find a brand new way to live, no two sides are the same Saga, see if we can find something other than a deja vu
what do ya say we find a peaceful resolution
See if we can find something other than a deja vu, two for the show
no two sides are the same
How we have grown, be the first on the block with an original point of view, start lookin for another place to find our daily bread
Shake up all the rules find a brand new way to live, be the first on the block with an original point of view
One last refrain, what do ya say we start a private revolution
How we have grown, see if we can find something other than a deja vu Sides, so are we gonna take out fears to terms tonight
What do ya say we start a brand new competition, cause we can t let it end in tears again tonight, how we have grown
two for the show
give it all we ve got till there isn t much left to give
so are we gonna take out fears to terms tonight
No two sides are the same, start lookin for another place to find our daily bread, cause we can t let it end in tears again tonight
what do ya say we start a private revolution
be the first on the block with an original point of view
Cause we can t let it end in tears again tonight, one last refrain Two, so are we gonna take out fears to terms tonight
Start lookin for another place to find our daily bread, cause we can t let it end in tears again tonight No, what do ya say we think about a new destination
Two for the show, two for the show No, two for the show
What do ya say we think about a new destination, what do ya say we think about a new destination
Cause we can t let it end in tears again tonight, two for the show Sides, cause we can t let it end in tears again tonight
What do ya say we think about a new destination, give it all we ve got till there isn t much left to give
What do ya say we start a brand new competition, what do ya say we start a brand new competition
Be the first on the block with an original point of view, no two sides are the same Sides, be the first on the block with an original point of view
Think of the seeds we have sown, what do ya say we find a peaceful resolution
two for the show
Two for the show, starting with a walk where the angels fear to tread Saga, so are we gonna take out fears to terms tonight
One last refrain, so are we gonna take out fears to terms tonight
What do ya say we try and change our situation, two for the show
Shake up all the rules find a brand new way to live, think of the seeds we have sown
what do ya say we start a private revolution
two for the show
What do ya say we think about a new destination, so are we gonna take out fears to terms tonight, what do ya say we join the latest expedition
two for the show
no two sides are the same
What do ya say we start a private revolution, cause we can t let it end in tears again tonight, think of the seeds we have sown
How we have grown, start lookin for another place to find our daily bread
What do ya say we think about a new destination, what do ya say we join the latest expedition
how we have grown
Think of the seeds we have sown, how we have grown
Shake up all the rules find a brand new way to live, starting with a walk where the angels fear to tread
What do ya say we find a peaceful resolution, starting with a walk where the angels fear to tread
Two for the show, no two sides are the same, two for the show
Two for the show, think of the seeds we have sown
Cause we can t let it end in tears again tonight, two for the show
See if we can find something other than a deja vu, start lookin for another place to find our daily bread
Two for the show, think of the seeds we have sown, no two sides are the same
Two for the show, two for the show Saga, think of the seeds we have sown
Be the first on the block with an original point of view, two for the show No, think of the seeds we have sown
Starting with a walk where the angels fear to tread, so are we gonna take out fears to terms tonight, cause we can t let it end in tears again tonight
What do ya say we think about a new destination, shake up all the rules find a brand new way to live
Be the first on the block with an original point of view, what do ya say we try and change our situation Sides, so are we gonna take out fears to terms tonight
What do ya say we start a brand new competition, what do ya say we try and change our situation