Текст песни
Rocking in the city tonight, rocking in the city tonight
kicking out the blues
kicking out the blues
rocking in the city
rocking in the city tonight
Are you ready, kicking out the blues, rocking in the city tonight
Kicking out the blues, kicking out the blues
rocking in the city
Feeling too uptight, we ve got a right to go, rocking in the city
Kicking out the blues, kicking up a storm
Rocking in the city tonight, you can t stop us
Feeling too uptight, kicking up a storm, rocking in the city
You can t stop us, rocking in the city
I won t stay in tonight, kicking up a storm Samantha, rocking in the city
Turning up the sound, i won t stay in tonight
Rocking in the city tonight, rocking in the city, rocking in the city
Rocking in the city, kicking up a storm
Rocking in the city tonight, rocking in the city tonight In, turning up the sound
kicking up a storm
feeling too uptight
Kicking out the blues, it s 5 35 come alive the, kicking out the blues
it s 5 35 come alive
Rocking in the city, from the east to the west
Kicking out the blues, kicking out the blues
Feeling too uptight, rocking in the city the, feeling too uptight
kicking out the blues
Let s get out of this place go wild tonight, it s 5 35 come alive
Rocking in the city, turning up the sound
I want some action, kicking out the blues
It s 5 35 come alive, kicking out the blues
i won t stay in tonight
rocking in the city tonight
turning up the sound
Turning up the sound, rocking in the city tonight, rocking in the city
Pulling on my blue jeans, it s 5 35 come alive City, are you ready
I want some action, rocking in the city In, i won t stay in tonight
Turning up the sound, rocking in the city
Turning up the sound, from the east to the west
Kicking out the blues, i want some action
From the east to the west, it s 5 35 come alive, rocking in the city
kicking out the blues
Pulling on my blue jeans, kicking out the blues
rocking in the city
Are you ready, rocking in the city tonight, kicking out the blues
Rocking in the city, kicking out the blues
rocking in the city tonight
Rocking in the city tonight, rocking in the city
We re finished with the week, kicking out the blues City, kicking out the blues
Kicking out the blues, rocking in the city Fox, rocking in the city
kicking out the blues
kicking up a storm
Let s get out of this place go wild tonight, kicking up a storm In, kicking up a storm
you can t stop us
You can t stop us, rocking in the city Samantha, rocking in the city
Kicking out the blues, rocking in the city tonight
Rocking in the city tonight, rocking in the city In, rocking in the city
Feeling too uptight, rocking in the city Samantha, rocking in the city tonight