Текст песни
said you better stay
You disconnect the telephone line, i killed the last way out of this
said you better stay
Gotta get away, bite the thorn that pierce the skin, all that i know repeat
All that i know repeat, persuaded by a deceitful kiss Trees, gotta get away
Gotta get away, that said you better stay
persuaded by a deceitful kiss
gotta get away
you disconnect the telephone line
Come back down to earth again, fore i lose my mind, gotta get away
gotta get away
Come back down to earth again, come back down to earth again, come back down to earth again
Come back down to earth again, said you better stay, all that i know
that said you better stay
Bite the thorn that pierce the skin, gotta get away
Fore i lose my mind, persuaded by a deceitful kiss, persuaded by a deceitful kiss
That said you better stay, gotta get away Trees, gotta get away
You disconnect the telephone line, come back down to earth again, gotta get away
Fore its all gone, fore the lord gonna make me stay, the cold is creeping deep inside
Fore i lose my mind, fore the lord gonna make me stay, gotta get away
fore i lose my mind
Said you better stay, bite the thorn that pierce the skin Know, bite the thorn that pierce the skin
fore i lose my mind
Persuaded by a deceitful kiss, all that i know repeat, shoulda been
Gotta get away, shoulda been
gotta get away
The cold is creeping deep inside, you disconnect the telephone line
said you better stay
you disconnect the telephone line
fore its all gone
Gotta get away, all that i know repeat, bite the thorn that pierce the skin
that said you better stay
Fore its all gone, shoulda been
You disconnect the telephone line, that said you better stay
Said you better stay, said you better stay Trees, come back down to earth again
Fore its all gone, all that i know
all that i know
Come back down to earth again, said you better stay
gotta get away
You disconnect the telephone line, said you better stay
bite the thorn that pierce the skin
Fore its all gone, you disconnect the telephone line All, come back down to earth again
Gotta get away, fore i lose my mind
the cold is creeping deep inside
you disconnect the telephone line
Bite the thorn that pierce the skin, you disconnect the telephone line, you disconnect the telephone line
Gotta get away, gotta get away Know, that said you better stay
you disconnect the telephone line