Текст песни
-the first flakes of snow guide me on my last pathway
I feel the flaming frost, i feel the burning ice and snow for the first time Dead, hovering in the air with the rain
the last dead leaves come falling
Alive no more what once was green has turned to red, leaves lightly fall gray with the whiteness of what s dead
freezing all life that s on its way
And as the last leaf hovers down upon the ground, and the bleeding sun sinks down below Sentenced, ceasing my bleeding heart and now
Hovering in the air with the rain, hovering in the air
The wintry frost comes crawling, ceasing all life that s on its way
the end is at hand i ll find the one i came looking for
Leaves lightly fall gray with the whiteness of what s dead, the end of life comes crawling, hovering in the air with the rain
Since the night she was taken away, to put all forms of life to an end, the deadly shadows fall
The last dead leaves come falling, upon the frozen ground
the wintry frost comes crawling
Freezing all life that s on its way, the last dead leaves come falling
Since the night she was taken away, leaves lightly fall gray with the whiteness of what s dead, ceasing all life that s on its way
Dead frozen leaves come falling, hovering in the air
Hovering in the air with the rain, the end is at hand i ll find the one i came looking for Dead, leaves lightly fall gray with the whiteness of what s dead
and the bleeding sun sinks down below
Alive no more what once was green has turned to red, and the bleeding sun sinks down below
Dead frozen leaves come falling, hovering in the air Sentenced, hovering in the air with the rain
The last dead leaf comes falling, -the first flakes of snow guide me on my last pathway
-death has taken over and slowly fades the light away, leaves lightly fall gray with the whiteness of what s dead Dead, hovering in the air with the rain
the deadly shadows fall
upon the frozen ground
Hovering in the air with the rain, dead frozen leaves come falling
-death has taken over and slowly fades the light away, and as the last leaf hovers down upon the ground, leaves lightly fall gray with the whiteness of what s dead
hovering in the air with the rain
And as the last leaf hovers down upon the ground, dead frozen leaves come falling
Freezing all life that s on its way, upon the frozen ground
Since the night she was taken away, leaves lightly fall gray with the whiteness of what s dead, alive no more what once was green has turned to red
the wintry frost comes crawling
The last dead leaf comes falling, since the night she was taken away
The deadly shadows fall, hovering in the air with the rain, hovering lightly down upon the ground
alive no more what once was green has turned to red
The end of life comes crawling, alive no more what once was green has turned to red Dead, the last dead leaf comes falling
Dead frozen leaves come falling, hovering in the air with the rain
hovering in the air with the rain
Hovering in the air with the rain, ceasing all life that s on its way, the end of life comes crawling
Leaves lightly fall gray with the whiteness of what s dead, leaves start their fall gray with the whiteness of what s dead Sentenced, leaves start their fall gray with the whiteness of what s dead
I feel the burning ice and snow for the first time, autumn s here again
alive no more what once was green has turned to red
Hovering lightly down upon the ground, the wintry frost comes crawling
Leaves lightly fall gray with the whiteness of what s dead, the wintry frost comes crawling Sentenced, hovering in the air with the rain
The wintry frost comes crawling, ceasing my bleeding heart and now
Hovering in the air with the rain, i feel the flaming frost Dead, and as the last leaf hovers down upon the ground
Hovering in the air with the rain, leaves start their fall gray with the whiteness of what s dead
Alive no more what once was green has turned to red, hovering in the air with the rain Sentenced, the last dead leaves come falling
hovering in the air with the rain