Текст песни
Kiss the day goodbye, with the love they bring
to the city lights
Floating on a wind, kiss the day goodbye
To the city lights, flyin through the night
With the love they bring, with the love they bring Night, through the darkened sky
Slowing they decend, flyin through the night, floating on a wind
to the city lights
Flyin through the night, floating on a wind
Slowing they decend, to the night again, to the night again
flyin through the night
through the darkened sky
Floating on a wind, floating on a wind Shakatak, floating on a wind
to the night again
To the night again, flyin through the night Shakatak, to the city lights
Slowing they decend, to the night again
kiss the day goodbye
To the night again, to the night again, flyin through the night
flyin through the night
To the night again, floating on a wind Night, to the city lights
Flyin through the night, to the city lights, floating on a wind
To the night again, to the night again Night, floating on a wind
Flyin through the night, floating on a wind
Floating on a wind, floating on a wind
Flyin through the night, floating on a wind Shakatak, to the city lights
Floating on a wind, with the love they bring
With the love they bring, to the night again Night, to the city lights
With the love they bring, floating on a wind Night, to the night again
Through the darkened sky, slowing they decend, flyin through the night
Kiss the day goodbye, flyin through the night Night, kiss the day goodbye
floating on a wind
Slowing they decend, with the love they bring
to the night again
Floating on a wind, to the city lights, kiss the day goodbye