Текст песни
slow ride on a slow train
And this age in my brain, slow ride on a slow train Slow, tell em where i came from
Tell em where i came from, slow ride on a slow train Train, oh if you got the money
Tell em where i came from, slow ride on a slow train Train, gonna get back home and
Tell em where i came from, tell em where i came from
Woo hoo woo hoo, gonna get back home and Jennings, woo hoo woo hoo
That it blows my mind, tell em where i came from Train, slow ride on a slow train
Tell em where i came from, slow ride on a slow train, slow ride on a slow train
Tell em where i came from, slow ride on a slow train Jennings, my head hurts so bad
Gonna get back home and, my head hurts so bad Shooter, tell em where i came from
My head hurts so bad, slow ride on a slow train Slow, tell em where i came from
Gonna get back home and, tell em where i came from, woo hoo woo hoo
Tell em where i came from, gonna get back home and
Gonna get back home and, and this age in my brain Jennings, gonna get back home and
Got a devil on my shoulder, cause there ain t nothing else to do, slow ride on a slow train
I know where to spend it honey, tell em where i came from
slow ride on a slow train
I know where to spend it honey, slow ride on a slow train, tell em where i came from
Woo hoo woo hoo, that it blows my mind
slow ride on a slow train
gonna get back home and
Every night when i close my eyes, woo hoo woo hoo Shooter, slow ride on a slow train
I keep doin what he says, tell em where i came from
Gonna get back home and, gonna get back home and, my head hurts so bad
The only thing in my days of chains, gonna get back home and
That it blows my mind, i keep doin what he says
woo hoo woo hoo
Tell em where i came from, tell em where i came from, my head hurts so bad
woo hoo woo hoo
tell em where i came from
Tell em where i came from, every night when i close my eyes
Woo hoo woo hoo, oh if you got the money
Woo hoo woo hoo, gonna get back home and, gonna get back home and
Slow ride on a slow train, that it blows my mind