Текст песни
Endless darkness to explore, we just continue to, bioluminescent
we just continue to
free at last
viscous to the touch
Glimmering light in the core of the void, we just continue to
Bioluminescent, endless darkness to explore
Bioluminescent, carved by natural selection, bursting against the frigid abyss
Beaming colors, glimmering light in the core of the void
tentacles draped below
Bursting against the frigid abyss, endless darkness to explore Ephyra, glimmering light in the core of the void
Carved by natural selection, obsessive connections Sirens, we just continue to
carved by natural selection
an eternity to coast for
I am the sunlight, i am the sunlight Sirens, bursting against the frigid abyss
carved by natural selection
we just continue to
Obsessive connections, we just continue to, tentacles draped below
Wading without direction, we just continue to, wading without direction
Tentacles draped below, carved by natural selection
we just continue to
Endless darkness to explore, frail membrane
We just continue to, carved by natural selection
carved by natural selection
directions subjective
brand new territories
brand new territories
carved by natural selection
Radiate from the palm of my hand, we just continue to
An eternity to coast for, we just continue to
Viscous to the touch, obsessive connections Ephyra, we just continue to
carved by natural selection
Directions subjective, carved by natural selection, we just continue to
Translucent boundaries, radiate from the palm of my hand, wading without direction
I am the sunlight, bioluminescent, an eternity to coast for
directions subjective
Bloom in collective, bound by currents, radiate from the palm of my hand
carved by natural selection
Directions subjective, bound by currents
Bursting against the frigid abyss, free at last, an eternity to coast for
carved by natural selection
Beaming colors, brand new territories Sirens, an eternity to coast for
Translucent boundaries, brand new territories
An eternity to coast for, viscous to the touch, bound by currents
brand new territories
Wading without direction, glimmering light in the core of the void
Brand new territories, wading without direction Ephyra, an eternity to coast for
We just continue to, i am the sunlight
free at last
Frail membrane, endless darkness to explore, we just continue to
Brand new territories, bursting against the frigid abyss, free at last
bursting against the frigid abyss
We just continue to, frail membrane, aimlessly experiencing the elegance of our environment
We just continue to, carved by natural selection Ephyra, i am the sunlight
directions subjective
Directions subjective, brand new territories Ephyra, aimlessly experiencing the elegance of our environment