Текст песни
Crooked root thang, turn of a switch if you think you still can dream, take me back to times of black plague lies
gotta keep the mind on intention
Got knife back it up fight gotta find a reason to slice in, at just what s creeping there behind their truth
I m getting sick from the way we all look, take me back to times of black plague lies Puppy, take me back to times of black plague lies
A calculated risk for all sheep while sleeping, at just what s creeping there behind their truth
I challenge you to take a hard look, a low grade dose of a rabbit up the sleeve
In the face of annihilation under a jack boot, a salivating, radiate feeling baked catch the high high
Turn of a switch if you think you still can dream, i m getting sick from the way we all look
sure this season seems so clean
a calculated risk for all sheep while sleeping
Gotta keep the mind on intention, i challenge you to take a hard look
Radiate feeling baked catch the high high, sure this season seems so clean Puppy, a calculated risk for all sheep while sleeping
A low grade dose of a rabbit up the sleeve, a truth born sayer or a weapon to deceive, radiate feeling baked catch the high high
Take me back to times of black plague lies, can t forget the piece of the pie
Is sucking on and on gag gag, in the face of annihilation under a jack boot, like an abscess in the back of the neck
Can t forget the piece of the pie, i m getting sick from the way we all look
Make it up pass the buck fuck fuck, in the face of annihilation under a jack boot
A salivating, take me back to times of black plague lies Puppy, crooked root thang
is sucking on and on gag gag
Make it up pass the buck fuck fuck, at just what s creeping there behind their truth
In the face of annihilation under a jack boot, sure this season seems so clean, a truth born sayer or a weapon to deceive
A filibuster dusting all the cesium leaves, crooked root thang
at just what s creeping there behind their truth
A card trick release from the pretty fuel fleas, crooked root thang
Can t forget the piece of the pie, i challenge you to take a hard look, take me back to times of black plague lies
At just what s creeping there behind their truth, a poison we can t get away from
Turn of a switch if you think you still can dream, radiate feeling baked catch the high high
A filibuster dusting all the cesium leaves, a salivating
A low grade dose of a rabbit up the sleeve, take me back to times of black plague lies Paragun, turn of a switch if you think you still can dream
A filibuster dusting all the cesium leaves, a calculated risk for all sheep while sleeping, like an abscess in the back of the neck
At just what s creeping there behind their truth, got knife back it up fight gotta find a reason to slice in
Yeah were gonna all see, can t forget the piece of the pie
A low grade dose of a rabbit up the sleeve, like an abscess in the back of the neck
At just what s creeping there behind their truth, i m getting sick from the way we all look
a low grade dose of a rabbit up the sleeve
Crooked root thang, like an abscess in the back of the neck
Got knife back it up fight gotta find a reason to slice in, at just what s creeping there behind their truth
A poison we can t get away from, a poison we can t get away from, got knife back it up fight gotta find a reason to slice in
A filibuster dusting all the cesium leaves, radiate feeling baked catch the high high
A salivating, radiate feeling baked catch the high high Skinny, can t forget the piece of the pie
I m getting sick from the way we all look, in the face of annihilation under a jack boot Skinny, radiate feeling baked catch the high high
In the face of annihilation under a jack boot, can t forget the piece of the pie
Turn of a switch if you think you still can dream, is sucking on and on gag gag
got a knife back a nation feel the class system closing in