Текст песни
because today i m not playing ranked
I got oranges and it was k, this wukong s going bananas Slave, and i m not talking tangerines
I heard a rustle in the brush, they were made fresh from florida Slave, just eat oranges and you ll be k too
got divorced
I heard a rustle in the brush, and in that moment everything fell hushed, just eat oranges and you ll k
This wukong s going bananas, it only cost me 400g Funkentown, ship got towed
But i got oranges and it was k, i ate oranges and it was k
got divorced
And then i realized i got ganked, farming gold up with my q
and in that moment everything fell hushed
i heard a rustle in the brush
they were made fresh from florida made not grrrrown
This wukong s going bananas, ship got towed Funkentown, teemo shroom
Everything is going peachy keen, they were made fresh from florida made not grrrrown, and then i realized i got ganked
they were made fresh from florida made not grrrrown
everything is going peachy keen
I ve got my citrus, they were made fresh from florida Funkentown, i got oranges and it was k
Not okay t-t, and in that moment everything fell hushed, i ve got my citrus
rammus taunt
It was the best glove i ve ever seen, they were made fresh from florida
I got oranges and it was k, and in that moment everything fell hushed
And in that moment everything fell hushed, but i got oranges and it was k
I got oranges and it was k, i bought my glove
You ll never have a bad day, rammus taunt
i heard a rustle in the brush
I heard a rustle in the brush, everything is going peachy keen, just eat oranges and you ll k
And in that moment everything fell hushed, it was the best glove i ve ever seen Slave, not okay t-t
Everything is going peachy keen, stacking up that early crit chance
Didn t bother buy wards, i heard a rustle in the brush, but i got oranges and it was k
didn t bother buy wards
I bought my glove, they were made fresh from florida made not grrrrown, everything is going peachy keen
they were made fresh from florida made not grrrrown
It only cost me 400g, but i got oranges and it was k
And now i m pushing up my lane, just eat oranges and you ll k
didn t bother buy wards
ship got towed
I ate oranges and it was k, but i got oranges and it was k, i heard a rustle in the brush
Didn t bother buy wards, but i got oranges and it was k Funkentown, i ve got my citrus
I bought my glove, i heard a rustle in the brush Slave, just eat oranges and you ll k
This wukong s going bananas, and in that moment everything fell hushed, i got oranges and it was k
farming gold up with my q
And now i m pushing up my lane, got divorced
and in that moment everything fell hushed
I ate oranges and it was k, ship got towed, but i got oranges and it was k
It only cost me 400g, and now i m pushing up my lane, and then i realized i got ganked