Текст песни
All the mistakes of their past, losin memories of friends
You need someone to touch, you need someone to touch
now some people are born to repeat
a combination of the two
When you re down on your luck, but then bad luck like her
A combination of the two, did we talk about cars And, did we talk about cars
never does seem to last
Never does seem to last, that s how you took me home Culture, but if i ever want to find another
Losin memories of friends, drunk and lonesome again, back where it all began
A combination of the two, to get your self a maaaaan, another one just like yoooouuuuu
another one just like yoooouuuuu
Drunk and lonesome again, losin memories of friends, all the mistakes of their past
Now some people are born to repeat, i know just what to do
That s how you took me home, back where it all began, i was drunk and alone
Drunk and lonesome again, was it all just a plan
Another one just like yoooouuuuu, when you re down on your luck, now some people are born to repeat
But then bad luck like her, back where it all began, drunk and lonesome again
Did i meet you in a bar, but then bad luck like her
Drunk and lonesome again, you need someone to touch
You need someone to touch, a combination of the two (Again), i know just what to do
Never does seem to last, did we talk about cars, losin memories of friends
You need someone to touch, losin memories of friends
but if i ever want to find another
did we talk about cars
But then bad luck like her, losin memories of friends
did i meet you in a bar
losin memories of friends
Drunk and lonesome again, now some people are born to repeat And, you need someone to touch
A combination of the two, but then bad luck like her, never does seem to last
Drunk and lonesome again, drunk and lonesome again Southern, back where it all began
But then bad luck like her, did we talk about cars, i know just what to do
You need someone to touch, i know just what to do Southern, when you re down on your luck
Another one just like yoooouuuuu, a combination of the two
Did i meet you in a bar, losin memories of friends, another one just like yoooouuuuu
now some people are born to repeat
Did i meet you in a bar, but if i ever want to find another Culture, to get your self a maaaaan
Losin memories of friends, a combination of the two The, that s how you took me home
That s how you took me home, but if i ever want to find another, now some people are born to repeat
Another one just like yoooouuuuu, losin memories of friends, to get your self a maaaaan