Текст песни
A thousand thoughts dance in my head, let me bathe in the mist of the morning star, don t wake me up
Choking on this rosary, as they wish me away, shivering cold
Constellation spiderwebs entangle me, choking on this rosary
longing for just one more fever dream to never wake up
Coughing up prayers like a plague, i am a birth defect, coughing up prayers like a plague
coughing up prayers like a plague
Pirouetting silhouettes, put me to sleep, seasons in verse
put me to sleep
Constellation spiderwebs entangle me, longing for just one more fever dream to never wake up
Drifting away, pirouetting silhouettes, autumn winds cut to the bone
Shivering cold, a thousand thoughts dance in my head
I cannot breathe, i am a birth defect
I cannot breathe, this atmosphere hangs so heavy
Pirouetting silhouettes, a thousand thoughts dance in my head, this atmosphere hangs so heavy
this atmosphere hangs so heavy
as they wish me away
autumn winds cut to the bone
Pirouetting silhouettes, seasons in verse, longing for just one more fever dream
Drifting away, coughing up prayers like a plague State, a thousand thoughts dance in my head
Longing for just one more fever dream to never wake up, constellation spiderwebs entangle me
Longing for just one more fever dream, let me bathe in the mist of the morning star Meteor, a thousand thoughts dance in my head
Let me bathe in the mist of the morning star, i am a birth defect, seasons in verse
A thousand thoughts dance in my head, put me to sleep Meteor, longing for just one more fever dream
Pirouetting silhouettes, drifting away Meteor, i cannot breathe
Coughing up prayers like a plague, as they wish me away
Give me to dreams, choking on this rosary
Shivering cold, let me bathe in the mist of the morning star Faults, i cannot breathe
i cannot breathe
Shivering cold, i cannot breathe, autumn winds cut to the bone
constellation spiderwebs entangle me
choking on this rosary
I cannot breathe, longing for just one more fever dream to never wake up
drifting away
Let me bathe in the mist of the morning star, let me bathe in the mist of the morning star, clinging to the tomb of my childhood heart
Choking on this rosary, a thousand thoughts dance in my head Faults, i cannot breathe
Clinging to the tomb of my childhood heart, i am a birth defect
Coughing up prayers like a plague, seasons in verse
Pirouetting silhouettes, seasons in verse
Clinging to the tomb of my childhood heart, choking on this rosary, give me to dreams
Give me to dreams, i cannot breathe, let me bathe in the mist of the morning star
Coughing up prayers like a plague, put me to sleep, let me bathe in the mist of the morning star
longing for just one more fever dream
a thousand thoughts dance in my head
Autumn winds cut to the bone, i am a birth defect
I am a birth defect, pirouetting silhouettes Meteor, autumn winds cut to the bone
I am a birth defect, seasons in verse State, seasons in verse