Текст песни
we re rockers rollin yeh
Is ev rybody feeling alright, taking our time Status, just let us ride
we re rockers rollin yeh
We wanna run, is ev rybody feeling alright, on a myst ry train that s going nowhere
we re rockers rollin yeh
Only trucking the line, only trucking the line
t-t-t-take us along
Had enough of peeping and hiding, and ev rybody feeling alright
Take us along, rolling our way back home, we re rockers rollin
We re only trucking a line, we re rockers rollin yeh
just let us ride
only trucking the line
and ev rybody feeling alright
t-t-t-take us along
What i m tryin to say, oh what a day, and ev rybody feeling alright
On a myst ry train that s going nowhere, ev rybody knows where we re going
Take us along, t-t-t-take us along
We re rockers rollin, on a myst ry train that s going nowhere
At the end of the day keep on movin, take us along, we re rockers rollin
And ev rybody feeling alright, we wanna run
T-t-t-take us along, on the nine forty one till we re there
we wanna run
At the end of the day keep on movin, we wanna run
Oh what a day, we wanna run, oh what a day
On the nine forty one till we re there, and ev rybody feeling alright
We re rockers rollin, cause this is our day Rockers, t-t-t-take us along
N-n-n-nowhere to stay, we re rockers rollin yehw
We wanna run, only trucking the line, we don t want to be tied
And ev rybody feeling alright, rolling our way back home, at the end of the day keep on movin
N-n-n-nowhere to stay, cause this is our day
We don t want to be tied, take us along Rockers, on a myst ry train that s going nowhere
on the nine forty one till we re there
We don t want to be tied, oh what a day
on the nine forty one till we re there
Taking our time, on the nine forty one till we re there
N-n-n-nowhere to stay, on the nine forty one till we re there
Rolling away, we wanna run Status, we re rockers rollin yeh
on a myst ry train that s going nowhere
we wanna run
And ev rybody feeling alright, rolling our way back home Rockers, nowhere to stay
nowhere to sleep
rolling away
We re rockers rollin yehw, ev rybody knows where we re going
We re rockers rollin yeh, nowhere to sleep, just let us ride
Is ev rybody feeling alright, taking our time, rolling our way back home
at the end of the day but you re movin
Cause this is our day, nowhere to sleep
Nowhere to sleep, taking our time
Rolling our way back home, nowhere to stay Status, and ev rybody feeling alright
taking our time
Ev rybody knows where we re going, we re rockers rollin Quo, n-n-n-nowhere to stay
on the nine forty one till we re there
What i m tryin to say, we wanna run, and ev rybody feeling alright
taking our time
Rolling away, taking our time Rockers, we re rockers rollin
At the end of the day but you re movin, we wanna run
We wanna run, rolling our way back home
rolling away
Had enopugh of peeping and hiding, we wanna run
Cause this is our day, taking our time