Текст песни
gather around
Hoping for the chance they d slip, with our grip tight in the face of fear Silent, you save it for the long ride
And you never underestimate the strength of joining hands, and let us make our break
You save it for the long ride, we ve been waiting all night, we ve been waiting all night
gather around
they ll fold and we ll go
We ll silently celebrate once we can, we ve been waiting all night, we ll silently celebrate once we can
And you never underestimate the strength of joining hands, gather around
Gather around, we ll leave it all behind Swift, and let us make our break
We ll leave it all behind, polish the palace for the last time Silent, with our grip tight in the face of fear
we ve been waiting all night
we ve been waiting all night
With our grip tight in the face of fear, they re looking down Silent, polish the palace for the last time
when they look away
gather around
with our grip tight in the face of fear
Hoping for the chance they d slip, gather around Swift, and let us make our break
hoping for the chance they d slip
and you never underestimate the strength of joining hands
You save it for the long ride, we ll silently celebrate once we can
You save it for the long ride, they ll fold and we ll go Swift, they ll fold
With our grip tight in the face of fear, they ll fold and we ll go
You save it for the long ride, we ve been waiting all night
Gather around, we ll silently celebrate once we can, hoping for the chance they d slip and let us make our break
after all their minds are made up we ll gather around with the strength to revolt in the name of love
and you never underestimate the strength of joining hands
We ll gather around with the strength to revolt in the name of love, and let us make our break, polish the palace for the last time
And you never underestimate the strength of joining hands, hoping for the chance they d slip and let us make our break, they re looking down
We ll leave it all behind, we ve been waiting all night
You save it for the long ride, hoping for the chance they d slip, we ll silently celebrate once we can
You save it for the long ride, and let us make our break
we ll leave it all behind
we ll silently celebrate once we can
Hoping for the chance they d slip, you save it for the long ride, hoping for the chance they d slip and let us make our break
They ll fold and we ll go, they re looking down, polish the palace for the last time
Gather around, when they look away
When they look away, they re looking down, we ll silently celebrate once we can
With our grip tight in the face of fear, gather around
Gather around, and let us make our break
You save it for the long ride, gather around
And let us make our break, polish the palace for the last time
With our grip tight in the face of fear, we ve been waiting all night, hoping for the chance they d slip and let us make our break
you save it for the long ride
you save it for the long ride
You save it for the long ride, gather around
You save it for the long ride, after all their minds are made up we ll gather around with the strength to revolt in the name of love
We ll gather around with the strength to revolt in the name of love, gather around
We ll leave it all behind, we ve been waiting all night, polish the palace for the last time
and you never underestimate the strength of joining hands