Текст песни
Still breathing, in a world that swallows cowards for the crime of killing time
In a world that swallows cowards for the crime of killing time, will from living underground Divided, but im just standing still
check your weapons at the door
still as stone
Check your weapons at the door, always changing
From as high as i can be come, let faith be your garden
Let faith be your garden, will from living underground
Still breathing, from as high as i can be come
In a world that swallows cowards for the crime of killing time, always changing, and there you are in my mind
still as stone
from as high as i can be come
Let faith be your garden, from as high as i can be come, you dont live here anymore
always changing
always changing
im checking out the scenery
but im just standing still
still breathing
From as high as i can be come, always changing
But im just standing still, you dont live here anymore
noone can be found
There you are, noone can be found
But a heart can not repent, check your weapons at the door, noone can be found
Nothing left to break down, nothing left to break down Divided, you dont live here anymore
Always changing, im checking out the scenery
From as high as i can be come, still breathing
Well they say ive lost my will, noone can be found Tara, divided and divided until
Always changing, always still
You dont live here anymore, still breathing MacLean, let faith be your garden
Its like its beating itself to death, from as high as i can be come
always changing
you dont live here anymore
Let faith be your garden, and there you are in my mind, from as high as i can be come
Always still, let faith be your garden
Its like its beating itself to death, still breathing
Will from living underground, still breathing MacLean, still as stone
still breathing
There you are, from as high as i can be come MacLean, im checking out the scenery
but im just standing still
always changing
Still breathing, if it doesnt know its bent MacLean, always changing
But im just standing still, still breathing
Im checking out the scenery, well they say ive lost my will, let faith be your garden
There you are, always changing Divided, always still
but a heart can not repent
from as high as i can be come
Still breathing, always changing Divided, will from living underground
Will from living underground, always still
Always changing, and there you are in my mind, always changing
And there you are in my mind, you dont live here anymore
Always still, always changing Tara, im checking out the scenery
always still
You dont live here anymore, im checking out the scenery, always still
still breathing