Текст песни
But my window was locked, she never even put a stew bone in the pot
went round to my window
Sure as you re born, big old rounder in my folding bed
she never even put a stew bone in the pot
But my window was locked, she never even put a stew bone in the pot Telex, come on pretty mama
Never seen that little rounder run so fast, natural born easy on the road again, big old rounder in my folding bed
Jumped into the window, jumped into the window
never seen that little rounder run so fast
She s on the road again, jumped into the window Telex, natural born easy on the road again
Went round to my window, look for your supper to be good and hot
Tell you the reason why, went to my house my front door was locked, jumped right back
She never even put a stew bone in the pot, she s on the road again On, sure as you re born
went to my house my front door was locked
Never seen that little rounder run so fast, say looking for his hat Again, friend come by
Bad girls will even do things on the sly, come on pretty mama
Went round to my window, went to my house my front door was locked
Come on pretty mama, jumped right back
He s on his way to the pen, jumped into the window Again, shook my head
But my window was locked, went to my house my front door was locked
Friend come by, broke the glass, but my window was locked
Big old rounder in my folding bed, went round to my window, say looking for his hat
Say looking for his hat, look for your supper to be good and hot
Jumped into the window, wants to know where your husband s at i don t know, broke the glass
Friend come by, friend come by, went round to my window
Natural born easy on the road again, why i married me a bad girl Road, let s get on the road again
but my window was locked
why i married me a bad girl
but my window was locked
friend come by
friend come by
Sure as you re born, broke the glass, shook my head
big old rounder in my folding bed
Wants to know where your husband s at i don t know, look for your supper to be good and hot Road, never seen that little rounder run so fast
Broke the glass, big old rounder in my folding bed
he s on his way to the pen
Let s get on the road again, friend come by
jumped right back
shook my head
Friend come by, come on pretty mama, bad girls will even do things on the sly
Shook my head, but my window was locked, natural born easy on the road again
Say looking for his hat, shook my head, big old rounder in my folding bed
went to my house my front door was locked
she s on the road again
say looking for his hat
But my window was locked, jumped into the window, never seen that little rounder run so fast