Текст песни
en luk ah vas que va then they hear a rumble on the floor
cause the gang s all here
We ve got the blues on the run, for miles around you ll hear them sing, now s the time to roll the barrel
zing boom tararrel
Now s the time to roll the barrel, and there s never any room there, roll out the barrel
roll out the barrel
Now s the time to roll the barrel, and all the couples form a ring
Sing out a song of good cheer, now s the time to roll the barrel
For miles around you ll hear them sing, la la la la la, en luk ah vas que va then they hear a rumble on the floor
Now s the time to roll the barrel, and there s never any room there Barrel, now s the time to roll the barrel
Now s the time to roll the barrel, for a worry or a gloom there
It s the big surprise they re waiting for, roll out the barrel
La la la la la, la la la la la
we ve got the blues on the run
There s a garden, everybody feels so tra la la they want to throw their cares away
Roll out the barrel, roll out the barrel, for a worry or a gloom there
Now s the time to roll the barrel, there s music and there s dancing
Now s the time to roll the barrel, it s the big surprise they re waiting for
For a worry or a gloom there, only happy faces bloom there
It s the big surprise they re waiting for, roll out the barrel Barrel, zing boom tararrel
and there s never any room there
Cause the gang s all here, everybody feels so tra la la they want to throw their cares away, there s music and there s dancing
la la la la la
And there s never any room there, roll out the barrel
Roll out the barrel, en luk ah vas que va then they hear a rumble on the floor, only happy faces bloom there
La la la la la, zing boom tararrel Beer, they all get in the swing
Now s the time to roll the barrel, and a lot of sweet romancing Sisters, cause the gang s all here
It s the big surprise they re waiting for, la la la la la
now s the time to roll the barrel
For miles around you ll hear them sing, la la la la la
Only happy faces bloom there, en luk ah vas que va then they hear a rumble on the floor
Now s the time to roll the barrel, la la la la la
and a lot of sweet romancing
When they play the polka, every time they hear that oom papa Beer, only happy faces bloom there
There s a garden, en luk ah vas que va then they hear a rumble on the floor Barrel, they all get in the swing
And a lot of sweet romancing, zing boom tararrel
We ve got the blues on the run, when they play the polka Sisters, we ve got the blues on the run
we ve got the blues on the run
What a garden, what a garden Barrel, en luk ah vas que va then they hear a rumble on the floor
We ve got the blues on the run, and there s never any room there
Cause the gang s all here, la la la la la
En luk ah vas que va then they hear a rumble on the floor, and a lot of sweet romancing, cause the gang s all here
cause the gang s all here
La la la la la, roll out the barrel
When they play the polka, we ve got the blues on the run