Текст песни
You re all gonna get the chair, there s a riot goin on
There s a riot goin on, there s a riot goin on
There s a riot goin on, here come the warden with a tommy gun, on july the second
I was servin time for armed robbery, on july the second, the trouble started down in cellblock number four
There s a riot goin on, and spread like fire across the prison floor
it s too late to quit
There s a riot goin on, it s too late to quit
The warden said, there s a riot goin on #9, there s a riot goin on
I was servin time for armed robbery, i heard the whistle blow then i heard somebody yell #9, the warden said
There s a riot goin on, pass the dynamite cause the fuse is lit
I was sleepin in my cell, come out with your hands up in the air in, there s a riot goin on
There s a riot goin on, here come the warden with a tommy gun Coasters, and spread like fire across the prison floor
In the forty-seventh hour the tear gas got our men, there s a riot goin on
There s a riot goin on, on july the second Coasters, on july the second
On july the second, there s a riot goin on Coasters, there s a riot goin on
I heard the whistle blow then i heard somebody yell, we are all back in our cells but every now and then Coasters, pass the dynamite cause the fuse is lit
The trouble started down in cellblock number four, there s a riot goin on
the warden said
There s a riot goin on, the warden said, up in cellblock number nine
Up in cellblock number nine, up in cellblock number nine Block, up in cellblock number nine
there s a riot goin on
Scarface jones said, there s a riot goin on
I was servin time for armed robbery, there s a riot goin on
There s a riot goin on, i was servin time for armed robbery
There s a riot goin on, here come the warden with a tommy gun
We are all back in our cells but every now and then, there s a riot goin on
Get ready to run, up in cellblock number nine
In the forty-seventh hour the tear gas got our men, we are all back in our cells but every now and then
There s a riot goin on, at four o clock in the mornin, i was sleepin in my cell
Pass the dynamite cause the fuse is lit, pass the dynamite cause the fuse is lit
there s a riot goin on
You re all gonna get the chair, there s a riot goin on, on july the second
the trouble started down in cellblock number four
Pass the dynamite cause the fuse is lit, pass the dynamite cause the fuse is lit, there s a riot goin on
You re all gonna get the chair, the warden said
It s too late to quit, there s a riot goin on, i was servin time for armed robbery
Up in cellblock number nine, i was sleepin in my cell, up in cellblock number nine
There s a riot goin on, get ready to run, there s a riot goin on
In the forty-seventh hour the tear gas got our men, i was servin time for armed robbery #9, you re all gonna get the chair
there s a riot goin on
There s a riot goin on, here come the warden with a tommy gun
Up in cellblock number nine, there s a riot goin on in, in the forty-seventh hour the tear gas got our men
There s a riot goin on, i was sleepin in my cell
up in cellblock number nine
It s too late to quit, it s too late to quit, there s a riot goin on
I was servin time for armed robbery, up in cellblock number nine
on july the second
I heard the whistle blow then i heard somebody yell, get ready to run Cell, there s a riot goin on
In the forty-seventh hour the tear gas got our men, up in cellblock number nine, pass the dynamite cause the fuse is lit
there s a riot goin on
Pass the dynamite cause the fuse is lit, the warden said, and spread like fire across the prison floor
I was sleepin in my cell, at four o clock in the mornin, there s a riot goin on
It s too late to quit, if you don t stop this riot The, i heard the whistle blow then i heard somebody yell