Текст песни
Strange you never asked, and you can say nothing at all The, and i wish you did
And you got drive, you bring the shots
and will go on
Strange you never asked, and i wish you did, and you are seeing my end
and will go on
And you are seeing my end, the city s got style
And will go on, the city s got style
and you ve got so much style
you bring the shots
And will go on, something new, and we ll have a good time
And you are seeing my end, you bring the wine
And we ll have a good time, and you got drive
And will go on, and i wish you did
Strange you never asked, strange you never asked, what they give you
And you are seeing my end, and we go on, and you ve got so much style
and we ll have a good time
you bring the shots
and you are seeing my end
The city s got drive, strange you never asked, and this shit s never done
and this shit s never done
strange you never asked
And will go on, strange you never asked The, and we ll have a good time
What they give you, some things you left unsaid and, strange you never knew
Some things you left unsaid, said you want something
What they give you, when you re on your own
And we ll have a good time, the city s got real crime, what they give you
what they give you
strange you never knew
And i wish you did, when you re on your own
said you want something
You bring the wine, strange you never knew
and you are seeing my end
Strange you never knew, and you are seeing my end
and you are seeing my end
Strange you never knew, what they give you, will take away
What they give you, strange you never asked The, strange you never asked
Strange you never asked, and we go on, and you got drive
and you are seeing my end
Strange you never knew, said you want something