Текст песни
Clap your hands now people clap now, clap your hands now people clap your hands
clap your hands now people clap now
clap your hands now people clap your hands
Clap your hands now people clap now, a little softer people get down and low
Ad lib with guitar, clap your hands now people clap your hands Meters, ad lib with guitar
clap your hands now people clap now
A little louder people get louder, clap your hands now people clap now Hand, clap your hands now people clap now
We gonna let our guitar man, a little softer people get softer, clap your hands now people clap your hands
A little softer people get softer, clap your hands now people clap now Meters, clap your hands now people clap now
Clap your hands now people clap now, clap your hands now people clap now
clap your hands now people clap now
A little softer people get down and low, clap your hands now people clap your hands
clap your hands now people clap now
Clap your hands now people clap your hands, clap your hands now people clap your hands
A little louder people get louder, clap your hands now people clap your hands, a little louder people get louder
Clap your hands now people clap your hands, clap your hands now people clap now, clap your hands now people clap your hands
Clap your hands now people clap now, clap your hands now people clap your hands Meters, clap your hands now people clap your hands
Ad lib with guitar, clap your hands now people clap now
clap your hands now people clap your hands
A little louder people get louder, clap your hands now people clap your hands, clap your hands now people clap now
Listen to the thing ya ll, clap your hands now people clap now, clap your hands now people clap now
a little louder people get louder
A little louder people get louder, a little softer people get softer Meters, a little louder people get louder
Clap your hands now people clap your hands, a little softer people get down and low Clapping, clap your hands now people clap your hands
Clap your hands now people clap your hands, clap your hands now people clap your hands
Clap your hands now people clap your hands, a little softer people get softer