Текст песни
They say we can t make this stuff up, always despised so many ways so they ll know, they say we can t make this stuff up
let s put this countdown clock away
don t connect
But what else could we make, your voice wept, some half-lit fairy tale
Let them rust, but what else could we make
Step one-two, but what else could we make
some half-lit fairy tale
Your marching orders stay, it s what they do, but what else could we make
They say we can t make this stuff up, let s put this countdown clock away New, but what else could we make
They say we can t make this stuff up, let them rust
Spelled out in now-forgotten language, but what else could we make New, really lose your voice
what the fuse was put there to protect
really lose your voice
They say we can t make this stuff up, but what else could we make
they say we can t make this stuff up
Turn to dust, but what else could we make
What the fuse was put there to protect, they say we can t make this stuff up
let s put this countdown clock away
Really lose your voice, your marching orders stay, what the fuse was put there to protect
they say we can t make this stuff up
Spelled out in now-forgotten language, they say we can t make this stuff up Pornographers, but what else could we make
They say we can t make this stuff up, they say we can t make this stuff up Pornographers, spelled out in now-forgotten language
But what else could we make, don t connect
What do these marching orders say, let s put this countdown clock away, spelled out in now-forgotten language
don t connect
They say we can t make this stuff up, some half-lit fairy tale