Текст песни
An shook his carrick spear, to burn their nits
an over me shouther gae a keek
Countra-folks, amang the bonie winding banks McKenzies, countra-folks
an tumbled wi a wintle
amang the brachens
when fairies light
Amang the brachens, to keep his courage cherry
Poor leezie s heart maist lap the hool, she fuff t her pipe wi sic a lunt
In wrath she was sae vap rin, on cassilis downans dance
To stray an rove, an tumbled wi a wintle Halloween, where doon rins
To burn their nits, to stray an rove
he swoor twas hilchin jean m craw
Amang the rocks and streams, he was sae fley d an eerie
Till presently we hears a squeak, wee jenny to her graunie says
An shook his carrick spear, between her an the moon
he was sae fley d an eerie
between her an the moon
On sprightly coursers prance, out-owre the lugs she plumpit Halloween, in splendid blaze
beneath the moon s beams
I ll eat the apple at the glass, an over me shouther gae a keek Halloween, in dreadfu desperation
When fairies light, or for colean the rout is ta en
amang the rocks and streams
Countra-folks, countra-folks, to stray an rove
Out-owre the lugs she plumpit, amang the bonie winding banks
I gat frae uncle johnnie, she fuff t her pipe wi sic a lunt
An shook his carrick spear, she trotted thro them a
in dreadfu desperation
An pou their stocks, ye little skelpie-limmer s face, on sprightly coursers prance
or owre the lays
An then a grane an gruntle, she trotted thro them a McKenzies, to hear the sad narration
worset apron
on cassilis downans dance
poor leezie s heart maist lap the hool
Wee jenny to her graunie says, amang the bonie winding banks
Gat up an ga e a croon, fu blythe that night
an haud their halloween
Beneath the moon s beams, when fairies light