Текст песни
i can set afire to my strawman
Even so watch out for meteors, wasting so much energy, a good excuse
excuse the dues freezing your plan you can knock it down like a strawman
I ll be so free sitting on top, hey little scotty why you on the loose you got your head and your shoulders and
Excuse the dues freezing your plan you can knock it down like a strawman, come to in all your foolish pride Strawman, hey but though we all complain
You got your bloody knuckles from breaking bricks with all your muscle it don t, mean nothing, for you to accept your own fate
hey you know things could always be easier
Wasting so much energy, to ease the doubt and keep my hand
Change the one thing holding me back, hey you know things could always be easier
And other forms of wild game, if only this if only that
I can t knock it down like a strawman, i can set afire to my strawman, a good excuse
wasting so much energy
To ease the doubt and keep my hand, i ll be so free sitting on top
even so watch out for meteors
with good humor and a shoddy plan
Change my gear shift into drive, hey little scotty why you on the loose you got your head and your shoulders and
To ease the doubt and keep your hand, you can t knock it down like a strawman
A good excuse, excuse the dues freezing your plan you can knock it down like a strawman, excuse the dues freezing your plan you can knock it down like a strawman
Hey you know things could always be easier, you think you re pretty bright cause mama called you son that don t mean
to ease the doubt and keep my hand
Excuse the dues freezing your plan you can knock it down like a strawman, to ease the doubt and keep my hand
Mean nothing, you got your bloody knuckles from breaking bricks with all your muscle it don t
Change my gear shift into drive, hey but though we all complain
hey little scotty why you on the loose you got your head and your shoulders and
i ll be so free sitting on top
a good excuse
Searching for an enemy, searching for an enemy The, i can t knock it down like a strawman
They ll strike you down with a meteor, even so watch out for meteors, i can set afire to my strawman
with good humor and a shoddy plan
To ease the doubt and keep your hand, wasting so much energy Strawman, and other forms of wild game
if only this if only that
You think you re pretty bright cause mama called you son that don t mean, excuse the dues freezing your plan you can knock it down like a strawman, hey but though we all complain
Even so watch out for meteors, they ll strike you down with a meteor
you think you re pretty bright cause mama called you son that don t mean
You got your bloody knuckles from breaking bricks with all your muscle it don t, i can set afire to my strawman
Sold a millions diamonds but never gave up one that don t mean nothing, and other forms of wild game
Change my gear shift into drive, and i can make it like it s not
and other forms of wild game
Searching for an enemy, even so watch out for meteors Strawman, searching for an enemy
to ease the doubt and keep your hand
Mean nothing, stay awake while i m alive, i can set afire to my strawman
Hey but though we all complain, i ll be so free sitting on top, you can t knock it down like a strawman
And other forms of wild game, hey but though we all complain The, if only this if only that
With good humor and a shoddy plan, sold a millions diamonds but never gave up one that don t mean nothing, change the one thing holding me back
Come to in all your foolish pride, for you to accept your own fate, and i can make it like it s not
Hear in lies truth you may despise, i ll be so free sitting on top
I can t knock it down like a strawman, and i can make it like it s not The, and other forms of wild game
hey little scotty why you on the loose you got your head and your shoulders and
Hear in lies truth you may despise, i ll be so free sitting on top, excuse the dues freezing your plan you can knock it down like a strawman
I ll be so free sitting on top, hey you know things could always be easier Revivalists, change my gear shift into drive
The world it flies it does not wait, if only this if only that
and other forms of wild game
mean nothing
hey little scotty why you on the loose you got your head and your shoulders and
Even so watch out for meteors, with good humor and a shoddy plan, hey but though we all complain
The world it flies it does not wait, change the one thing holding me back
Even so watch out for meteors, even so watch out for meteors, you got your bloody knuckles from breaking bricks with all your muscle it don t
Even so watch out for meteors, come to in all your foolish pride, to ease the doubt and keep your hand
You got your bloody nose from breaking bricks with all the girls it don t mean, and other forms of wild game, the skies don t care much who you are