Текст песни
It s cold in their over coats, is it day or night Runaways, novacane lips
is it day or night
along the avenue
Is it day or night, i can t go back to bein straight Day, it s cold in their over coats
i don t like to live alone
Porcupine kiss, and then dog eat dog tonight, and then dog eat dog tonight
i can t go back to bein straight
Was ripped from their throats, street white huffers are sittin relaxed
Is it day or night, novacane lips
Is it day or night, white flowers wheep and they want to sleep
I don t like to live alone, porcupine kiss
and then dog eat dog tonight
And then dog eat dog tonight, is it day or night
white flowers wheep and they want to sleep
White flowers wheep and they want to sleep, and then dog eat dog tonight
Is it day or night, white flowers wheep and they want to sleep, white flowers wheep and they want to sleep
And then dog eat dog tonight, and then dog eat dog tonight Night, white flowers wheep and they want to sleep
Novacane lips, white flowers wheep and they want to sleep
White flowers wheep and they want to sleep, porcupine kiss
I can t go back to bein straight, i can t go back to bein straight
Was ripped from their throats, porcupine kiss
And then dog eat dog tonight, and then dog eat dog tonight It, and then dog eat dog tonight
White flowers wheep and they want to sleep, white flowers wheep and they want to sleep
street white huffers are sittin relaxed
porcupine kiss
Is it day or night, i seem to get on you Runaways, novacane lips
I don t like to live alone, novacane lips
Back door to insanity, back door to insanity
White flowers wheep and they want to sleep, and then dog eat dog tonight, i can t go back to bein straight
Porcupine kiss, back door to insanity
was ripped from their throats
novacane lips
it s cold in their over coats
white flowers wheep and they want to sleep
I can t go back to bein straight, i seem to get on you, white flowers wheep and they want to sleep
Is it day or night, is it day or night Day, and then dog eat dog tonight
is it day or night
It s cold in their over coats, white flowers wheep and they want to sleep, white flowers wheep and they want to sleep
I don t like to live alone, white flowers wheep and they want to sleep
it s cold in their over coats
Novacane lips, white flowers wheep and they want to sleep
Porcupine kiss, is it day or night
white flowers wheep and they want to sleep
porcupine kiss
it s cold in their over coats
i can t go back to bein straight
White flowers wheep and they want to sleep, white flowers wheep and they want to sleep, porcupine kiss
i seem to get on you
And then dog eat dog tonight, is it day or night
I seem to get on you, white flowers wheep and they want to sleep
novacane lips
Back door to insanity, is it day or night
novacane lips
Is it day or night, i seem to get on you
and then dog eat dog tonight
novacane lips
And then dog eat dog tonight, back door to insanity, white flowers wheep and they want to sleep
Street white huffers are sittin relaxed, is it day or night, i can t go back to bein straight