Текст песни
Their starting to smile, hand in hand we walk out the door The, and the wind blows your hair
Big machines are starting to hum, big machines are starting to hum
This is not a dream of you and i, i ve never been this happy before
And the wind blows your hair, and the wind blows your hair
And the wind blows your hair, this is not a dream of you and i
I ve a feelin we ve been here before, and the wind blows your hair
and the wind blows your hair
And the wind blows your hair, their starting to smile, hand in hand we walk out the door
and the wind blows your hair
Looking just like you and i, colored by some beautiful people, big machines are starting to hum
rice is falling on us everywhere
Showin our love to the world we meet, i ve never been this happy before Hair, rice is falling on us everywhere
And the wind blows your hair, angels singing as we pass through the door, colored by some beautiful people
were up the sidewalk runnin down the street
Were up the sidewalk runnin down the street, and the wind blows your hair
Angels singing as we pass through the door, the scent of flowers uh fill the air
In my eyes i m starting to cry, big machines are starting to hum Your, hand in hand we walk out the door
i ve a feelin we ve been here before
everyone s happy that we meet
Two little children come walking by, hand in hand we walk down the aisle The, i ve a feelin we ve been here before
big machines are starting to hum
and the wind blows your hair
Two little children come walking by, big machines are starting to hum, and the wind blows your hair
Rice is falling on us everywhere, and the wind blows your hair, i ve a feelin we ve been here before
And the wind blows your hair, everyone s happy that we meet The, this is not a dream of you and i
This is not a dream of you and i, hand in hand we walk down the aisle
their starting to smile
Were up the sidewalk runnin down the street, colored by some beautiful people