Текст песни
Oh lord why have you forsaken me, i recognized that crooked smile, and the blues came walking like a man
he tuned it up like i d never seen
I saw no reflection for a while, i fell asleep with a guitar in my hand, got me down in mississippi
oh lord why have you forsaken me
where i don t want to be
Oh lord why have you forsaken me, and the blues came walking like a man Ghosts, and the blues came walking like a man
I saw no reflection for a while, i dreamed about the ghosts of mississippi, then he closed his eyes and began to sing
I saw no reflection for a while, oh lord why have you forsaken me, where i don t want to be
I saw no reflection for a while, and the blues came walking like a man, without a word i passed that guitar over
And the blues came walking like a man, got me down in mississippi, late one night behind corn whiskey
Where i don t want to be, i dreamed about the ghosts of mississippi
Got me down in mississippi, where i don t want to be Mississippi, i fell asleep with a guitar in my hand
got me down in mississippi
oh lord why have you forsaken me
Without a word i passed that guitar over, got me down in mississippi Ghosts, he tuned it up like i d never seen
when i woke up i looked into the mirror
oh lord why have you forsaken me
where i don t want to be
where i don t want to be
I recognized that crooked smile, where i don t want to be
I fell asleep with a guitar in my hand, got me down in mississippi
He tuned it up like i d never seen, i dreamed about the ghosts of mississippi
Got me down in mississippi, but as my eyes came into focus
Oh lord why have you forsaken me, late one night behind corn whiskey
i fell asleep with a guitar in my hand
Oh lord why have you forsaken me, oh lord why have you forsaken me Ghosts, late one night behind corn whiskey
Got me down in mississippi, then he closed his eyes and began to sing, got me down in mississippi
Late one night behind corn whiskey, i fell asleep with a guitar in my hand
Where i don t want to be, where i don t want to be The, without a word i passed that guitar over
and the blues came walking like a man
Oh lord why have you forsaken me, oh lord why have you forsaken me, oh lord why have you forsaken me
Got me down in mississippi, where i don t want to be, oh lord why have you forsaken me
But as my eyes came into focus, and the blues came walking like a man, a crooked smile was his expression
Oh lord why have you forsaken me, and the blues came walking like a man Of, without a word i passed that guitar over
and the blues came walking like a man
I recognized that crooked smile, where i don t want to be, oh lord why have you forsaken me
i fell asleep with a guitar in my hand
Oh lord why have you forsaken me, late one night behind corn whiskey
Oh lord why have you forsaken me, but as my eyes came into focus
got me down in mississippi
Oh lord why have you forsaken me, i recognized that crooked smile
Where i don t want to be, late one night behind corn whiskey, got me down in mississippi
when i woke up i looked into the mirror
He tuned it up like i d never seen, and the blues came walking like a man, got me down in mississippi
got me down in mississippi