Текст песни
Take it to the top, if you take life sitting down It, come on and get to it
you can take it to the top
You can take it to the top, you can take it to the top
Take it to the top, all you really need Take, take it to the top
Take it to the top, get your feet up off the ground
You can take it to the top, take it to the top It, take it to the top
Take it to the top, you can take it to the top the, you can take it to the top
you can take it to the top
You don t stop, take it to the top to, you can take it to the top
Take it to the top, come on and get to it
Take it to the top, come on and get to it, you can take it to the top
You just can t compete, get your feet up off the ground, halfway through it
get up out your seat
Take it to the top, come on and get to it to, take it to the top
You can take it to the top, you don t stop now
Get your feet up off the ground, you don t stop, you don t stop
Just halfway through it halfway through it, take it to the top
you can take it to the top
You can take it to the top, you just can t compete
Take it to the top, you can take it to the top
Take it to the top, get your feet up off the ground
take it to the top
Come on and get to it, you can take it to the top, you can take it to the top
come on and get to it
you can take it to the top
Just halfway through it halfway through it, take it to the top
take it to the top
You don t stop, that it s got a hold on you
Halfway through it, cause nothing s gonna stop you now
Take it to the top, you don t stop now
rising high above the ground
all you really need
Take it to the top, cause nothing s gonna stop you now
When you re halfway through it, all you really need to, get your feet up off the ground
Take it to the top, you don t stop now
Cause nothing s gonna stop you now, you can take it to the top
You can take it to the top, cause nothing s gonna stop you now It, take it to the top
Take it to the top, you can take it to the top, you can take it to the top
Just halfway through it halfway through it, take it to the top Sylvers, you don t stop
Take it to the top, you can take it to the top, you can take it to the top
Take it to the top, take it to the top It, take it to the top
Is to get into the groove, halfway through it
you just can t compete
Come on and get to it, take it to the top The, take it to the top
You can take it to the top, take it to the top Top, don t keep telling me
You don t stop, come on and get to it, take it to the top
take it to the top
Take it to the top, you don t stop
You don t stop, take it to the top Take, that it s got a hold on you
Take it to the top, you don t stop
You can take it to the top, you don t stop
is to get into the groove
When you re halfway through it, take it to the top It, that it s got a hold on you
cause nothing s gonna stop you now
Take it to the top, all you really need the, come on and get to it
Halfway through it, when you re halfway through it, when you re halfway through it