Текст песни
L is for the loathing, and r is for Tiger, that p i pissed away
and s is for the sarcasm that i use from day to day
Envy and fear, and o is for opportunities
And o is for opportunities, and v is for the violent nature that i do express, and s is for the sarcasm that i use from day to day
My jaundiced views, and r is for, and r is for
G and h the greed and hatred i feel through the years, and n is for the nihilistic views that i do express, t and u are treachery and underhandedness
e and f are dread
And n is for the nihilistic views that i do express, envy and fear Xyz, k is for the knowledge that i refuse to use
E and f are dread, g and h the greed and hatred i feel through the years, and r is for
And o is for opportunities, b is for the bile
and r is for
C is for the caustic nature of my smile, k is for the knowledge that i refuse to use
And s is for the sarcasm that i use from day to day, r is for my rage, k is for the knowledge that i refuse to use
E and f are dread, and m for maliciousness Lillies, l is for the loathing
G and h the greed and hatred i feel through the years, t and u are treachery and underhandedness
that p i pissed away
t and u are treachery and underhandedness
Envy and fear, and s is for the sarcasm that i use from day to day
E and f are dread, and q is for the questions from which i ve run away, y and z i m very
Y and z i m very, and v is for the violent nature that i do express, a is for the anger
I is for my ignorance, and o is for opportunities Lillies, that p i pissed away
Envy and fear, and s is for the sarcasm that i use from day to day
L is for the loathing, r is for my rage
k is for the knowledge that i refuse to use
r is for my rage
C is for the caustic nature of my smile, and r is for, and m for maliciousness
l is for the loathing
And s is for the sarcasm that i use from day to day, my jaundiced views, my jaundiced views
and s is for the sarcasm that i use from day to day
A is for the anger, and q is for the questions from which i ve run away
And n is for the nihilistic views that i do express, envy and fear
k is for the knowledge that i refuse to use
My jaundiced views, a is for the anger
And n is for the nihilistic views that i do express, e and f are dread, envy and fear
And s is for the sarcasm that i use from day to day, and m for maliciousness
and s is for the sarcasm that i use from day to day
G and h the greed and hatred i feel through the years, l is for the loathing The, i is for my ignorance
And v is for the violent nature that i do express, a is for the anger, c is for the caustic nature of my smile
and r is for
t and u are treachery and underhandedness
B is for the bile, l is for the loathing
And r is for, g and h the greed and hatred i feel through the years
A is for the anger, and n is for the nihilistic views that i do express
r is for my rage
g and h the greed and hatred i feel through the years
b is for the bile