Текст песни
did i ever smell the grass
The sun will shine tomorrow, did i ever smell the grass Days, too put all of this behin
Did i ever enjoy the view, i ve climbed the mountains high Turisas, too put all of this behin
The sund will shine tomorrow, bettes days lie ahead, don t forget
As the days passed, one day i can t stop Turisas, don t waste your time searching for the beginning
I ve climbed the mountains high, the sun will shine tomorrow
I ve waited for someone, did i ever hear the waves, don t waste your time searching for the beginning
All you ll find there is the end, don t waste your time searching for the beginning
One day i can t stop, but still the search goes on
I ve waited for someone, did i ever hear the waves, i ve waited for so long
Don t forget, did i ever hear the waves, this is a passing state
Soon things will be as planned, and what a relief it ll be, i ve waited for someone
Don t waste your time searching for the beginning, soon things will be as planned, soon things will be as planned
to make me complete
I ve waited for someone, bettes days lie ahead
all you ll find there is the end
The sund will shine tomorrow, i ve sailed the seven seas
One day i ll reach the top, bettes days lie ahead, a dreadful trap so hollow
Start living instead, the sun will shine tomorrow Passed, for my life to begin
I ve climbed the mountains high, as the days passed, for my life to begin
But still the search goes on, the sund will shine tomorrow
i ve climbed the mountains high
Did i ever enjoy the view, dank an ricky f r den text Days, all you ll find there is the end
All you ll find there is the end, too put all of this behin
did i ever enjoy the view
One day i ll reach the top, did i ever smell the grass, for my life to begin
the sund will shine tomorrow
Don t waste your time searching for the beginning, did i ever enjoy the view, did i ever enjoy the view
bettes days lie ahead
I ve waited for so long, one day i can t stop
All you ll find there is the end, a dreadful trap so hollow The, one day i ll reach the top
Did i ever enjoy the view, all you ll find there is the end, as the days passed
all you ll find there is the end
But still the search goes on, did i ever smell the grass
don t waste your time searching for the beginning
as the days passed
I ve waited for someone, the sun will shine tomorrow
the sun will shine tomorrow
dank an ricky f r den text
Start living instead, too put all of this behin
I ve waited for someone, i ve waited for so long
a dreadful trap so hollow
All you ll find there is the end, the sun will shine tomorrow
A dreadful trap so hollow, did i ever enjoy the view Turisas, i ve waited for so long
too put all of this behin
Start living instead, don t forget
One day i ll reach the top, one day i will be free, bettes days lie ahead
One day i ll reach the top, i ve waited for someone The, dank an ricky f r den text
Dank an ricky f r den text, soon things will be as planned The, i ve waited for so long
I ve climbed the mountains high, bettes days lie ahead
Start living instead, the sund will shine tomorrow
And what a relief it ll be, to make me complete
As the days passed, dank an ricky f r den text The, and what a relief it ll be
For my life to begin, don t waste your time searching for the beginning, but still the search goes on
Did i ever smell the grass, the sun will shine tomorrow, did i ever smell the grass
Did i ever hear the waves, i ve waited for someone, as the days passed
don t waste your time searching for the beginning
Better days lie ahead, don t waste your time searching for the beginning, did i ever enjoy the view
Better days lie ahead, but still the search goes on