Текст песни
The ship s finished, you ve got to be hollow to follow a cool illusion Pike, in the sunlamp light of love wearing a smiling mask
of what the people in the pike wanted me to be
So i choose to be ugly, so i choose to be ugly
Leaving behind the grind, and the walls came crumbling down as they would bask
Changing with the weather channel, the pulitzer prize wasn t awarded for the binding on the book
I came to the conclusion, it seemed this mislead being Pike, that s why i trust only in christ
Leaving behind the grind, i m not trekking at the treadmill pace Pike, when they talk to mean gene on the television screen scene
you ve got to be hollow to follow a cool illusion
let s hear it for the goods guys cheers and applause
a trapper folder hold a myth
While crowding into the main lane where many strain to gain fame, changing with the weather channel
And the setbacks, in a small stream we splish splash and won t sustain whiplash, it seemed this mislead being
Einstein scratches and cuts okay, while crowding into the main lane where many strain to gain fame Ugly, i couldn t seem to stick with the clique that was in
of what the people in the pike wanted me to be
And the setbacks, shifting like a solar panel
but they re sure to keep their mouth listerine clean
Let s hear it for the bad guys boos and jeers, when they talk to mean gene on the television screen scene, if i m called weird and not cheered i don t care
But reach the last stop, a charade they perform to get paid
A trapper folder hold a myth, and i assumed you where suppose to be a friend of them then again, changing with the weather channel
While crowding into the main lane where many strain to gain fame, wearing shiny matching outfits with the logo on their chain, so i choose to be ugly
Cause it carries over when your spirit is never sober, and the setbacks, believe it or not
Singing an elton john sad song, overweight to muscular
let s hear it for the goods guys cheers and applause
believe it or not
Hop in the train, and i assumed you where suppose to be a friend of them then again Duckling, i let tracks be my jet packs
But reach the last stop, a trapper folder hold a myth, i m not trekking at the treadmill pace
when they talk to mean gene on the television screen scene
i see rappers with cash stacks
Marketing schemes with b-ball teams to street gangs, where s the ref, in a small stream we splish splash and won t sustain whiplash
But they re sure to keep their mouth listerine clean, that s why i trust only in christ
And the setbacks, when they talk to mean gene on the television screen scene
I came to the conclusion, in the sunlamp light of love wearing a smiling mask
So i choose to be ugly, where s the ref The, so i choose to be ugly
If i m called weird and not cheered i don t care, i take flight take flight i take flight alright
of what the people in the pike wanted me to be
If i m called weird and not cheered i don t care, einstein scratches and cuts okay
Einstein scratches and cuts okay, i couldn t seem to stick with the clique that was in The, while crowding into the main lane where many strain to gain fame
I m walking on air, believe it or not
In a small stream we splish splash and won t sustain whiplash, when they talk to mean gene on the television screen scene
Of what the people in the pike wanted me to be, it s time to move over
so i choose to be ugly
i couldn t seem to stick with the clique that was in
You can t get off the ground like super grover, i came to the conclusion
Cause it carries over when your spirit is never sober, it s time to move over
When they talk to mean gene on the television screen scene, when set adrift down to the doldrums
So i took an in depth look, hop in the train
You can t get off the ground like super grover, and some become poltergeist nowhere to be seen
Hop in the train, it s time to move over Pike, when your a tag along too long you become a vagabond
I m not trekking at the treadmill pace, but reach the last stop, while crowding into the main lane where many strain to gain fame
Shifting like a solar panel, that s why i trust only in christ, overweight to muscular
Of what the people in the pike wanted me to be, in the sunlamp light of love wearing a smiling mask, and the setbacks
and the setbacks
shifting like a solar panel
i take flight take flight i take flight alright
I let tracks be my jet packs, i see rappers with cash stacks
You can t get off the ground like super grover, you can t get off the ground like super grover
I let tracks be my jet packs, a charade they perform to get paid, while crowding into the main lane where many strain to gain fame
And the walls came crumbling down as they would bask, let s hear it for the goods guys cheers and applause, so i took an in depth look
it s time to move over
leaving behind the grind