Текст песни
We can t contain our love, to touch our eyes Contain, just words are not enough
To touch our eyes, not holding back our love
Hear the sound of rushing wind, not holding back our love
Not holding back our love, we can t contain our love
Hear the sound of rushing wind, our hearts awake before you, we can t contain our love
Just words are not enough, to touch our eyes
We can t contain our love, not holding back our love
We can t sing loud enough, we can t sing loud enough, we can t contain our love
we can t contain our love
We can t contain our love, not holding back our love
we can t contain our love
just words are not enough
We can t sing loud enough, just words are not enough, we can t contain our love
Your glory falls, we long to lift you higher Love, to touch our eyes
the fire of god is ushered in
the fire of god is ushered in
Your glory falls, clouds break to comfort us with a kiss Rescue, just words are not enough
we can t contain our love
the fire of god is ushered in
Just words are not enough, not holding back our love Urban, our hearts awake before you
to touch our eyes
Our hearts awake before you, your glory falls Our, just words are not enough
We can t contain our love, just words are not enough Rescue, your glory falls
our hearts awake before you
Our hearts awake before you, we can t contain our love
Not holding back our love, we long to lift you higher Our, just words are not enough
We can t contain our love, we can t contain our love
Just words are not enough, we can t sing loud enough oh
we can t contain our love
Just words are not enough, we can t contain our love
We can t contain our love, we can t contain our love, our songs await your radiant light
not holding back our love oh
not holding back our love
We can t sing loud enough, we can t contain our love Contain, not holding back our love
We long to lift you higher, we long to lift you higher
Our hearts awake before you, we can t contain our love
Just words are not enough, not holding back our love
our songs await magnificent light
we can t contain our love
we can t contain our love
we can t contain our love
we can t sing loud enough oh
Our hearts awake before you, not holding back our love Our, clouds break to comfort us with a kiss
Not holding back our love, just words are not enough
Our hearts awake before you, our hearts awake before you Contain, we can t sing loud enough oh
We long to lift you higher, your praise falls on our lips, to touch our eyes
Just words are not enough, we can t sing loud enough
We can t sing loud enough oh, just words are not enough
Your glory falls, our songs await magnificent light
we long to lift you higher
To touch our eyes, the fire of god is ushered in Urban, your glory falls
Your glory falls, we can t sing loud enough Our, we can t contain our love
Our hearts awake before you, we can t contain our love Urban, our songs await magnificent light