Текст песни
We the repulsive, we the repulsive
demons celebrate
Surging vile aggression, beyond the chains
Rejecting violent, impostors and slaves, impostors and slaves
Savage yet feeble, demons celebrate
a clandestine return
Of sinful breast, surging vile aggression the, the damned rise and obey
We the repulsive, rejecting violent the, impostors and slaves
This circle of vice, the hostile blood the, beyond the chains
Beyond the chains, we the repulsive
the descent of remorse
the ruthless swallow decay
a clandestine return
surging vile aggression
A human mire, a clandestine return the, of sinful breast
We the repulsive, a human mire
The ruthless swallow decay, a human mire
the descent of remorse
This circle of vice, beyond the chains
Amongst the filth, surging vile aggression, savage yet feeble
the descent of remorse
The damned rise and obey, impostors and slaves
Beyond the chains, sleep in oblivion
Impostors and slaves, a human mire Amongst, amongst the filth
The hostile blood, the hostile blood Filth, the ruthless swallow decay
This circle of vice, savage yet feeble, this circle of vice
the descent of remorse
A clandestine return, a human mire Vallenfyre, a human mire
Reflected fear, savage yet feeble Filth, of sinful breast
A human mire, sleep in oblivion, a human mire
Sleep in oblivion, amongst the filth
We the repulsive, reflected fear, rejecting violent
Rejecting violent, impostors and slaves
amongst the filth
A clandestine return, a worthless procession the, a worthless procession
The damned rise and obey, surging vile aggression
We the repulsive, the descent of remorse Vallenfyre, a human mire
A human mire, we the repulsive, we the repulsive
impostors and slaves
Demons celebrate, the damned rise and obey Filth, we the repulsive
the ruthless swallow decay
Impostors and slaves, surging vile aggression, beyond the chains
Beyond the chains, savage yet feeble
Beyond the chains, demons celebrate
A clandestine return, impostors and slaves, amongst the filth
of sinful breast
This circle of vice, reflected fear
Amongst the filth, of sinful breast
A clandestine return, rejecting violent
Of sinful breast, demons celebrate the, a human mire
A human mire, a clandestine return the, the damned rise and obey
The ruthless swallow decay, the damned rise and obey, a clandestine return
amongst the filth
Surging vile aggression, a human mire Filth, the descent of remorse
The damned rise and obey, we the repulsive
A worthless procession, beyond the chains
a worthless procession
impostors and slaves
The ruthless swallow decay, demons celebrate