Текст песни
When she comes she ll be a stranger, and you think she ll always stay She, always ready to forgive you
struck dumb you ll try to protest
Like something out of blake or burne-jones, yesterday and tomorrow
As the drum beats out the danger, -but no-one knows what she is Generator, repentance for all you should have said
And you think she s really with you, and you think she s really with you Der, that the lady with her skin so white
Struck dumb you ll try to protest, that you think she s eternal, always ready to forgive you
Always ready to forgive you, always blocked out the light
Yesterday and tomorrow, like something out of edgar allen poe When, once a saint
-but no-one knows what she is, struck dumb you ll try to protest
Still you think she s forever, once a saint
Repentance for all you should have said, her entrance seems to raise you from the dead
and your prayer is that she ll want you
Like something out of blake or burne-jones, as the drum beats out the danger Comes, that the lady with her skin so white
repentance for all you should have said
Now you re a sinner, when the lady with her skin so white
-but in her own way, always ready to grant you her mercy
Struck dumb you ll try to protest, holds your hand so tight She, when she comes she ll be a stranger
And your sins are going to haunt you, that you think she s eternal
holds your hand so tight
Always ready to forgive you, and you think she ll always stay
Always blocked out the light, that the lady with her skin so white
-but no-one knows where she is, yesterday and tomorrow