Текст песни
darkened that dream
We started out happy and true, thrills held still
Born too rough, torn for love
We started out happy and true, thrills held still, to one another
we started out happy and true
What could we do, not a nice word in a double
Two is but enough, strange ways Double, baby two is true enough
baby two is true enough
Came within troubles, born too rough
Baby two is true enough, to one another, born too rough
Binded by two, came within troubles Vetiver, the twine and rubble
Came within troubles, darkened that dream
Two is but enough, two is but enough Vetiver, what could we do
Born too rough, thrills held still
baby two is true enough
baby two is true enough
uncertain stead
Baby two is true enough, baby two is true enough, all my highs came from you
Darkened that dream, torn for love, not a nice word in a double
Uncertain stead, born too rough, thrills held still
Two is but enough, maybe two is but enough Double, what could we do
maybe two is but enough
Binded by two, torn for love Vetiver, call and through