Текст песни
I won t waste a time, oh you are so puffy Viter, if you would be mine
If you could be mine, if you would be mine
If you would be mine, i won t waste a time
if you would be mine
if you would be mine
And you never would repine, oh you are so pretty, if you would be mine
If you could be mine, if you could be mine, if you could be mine
oh you are so pretty
Oh you are so fine, i would hold on to your plaits Marichka, i won t waste a time
oh you are so puffy
I would hold on to your plaits, and deeply plough the ground Viter, if you could be mine
if you could be mine
Oh you are so pretty, if you would be mine
If you would be mine, if you could be mine, if you could be mine
Oh you are so pretty, if you could be mine, and you never would repine
Oh you are so pretty, oh you are so pretty
If you would be mine, i won t waste a time, if you could be mine
And you never would repine, if you could be mine
If you would be mine, if you would be mine
Oh you are so puffy, if you would be mine
I won t waste a time, and deeply plough the ground, if you would be mine
cause your eyes are so equine
I won t waste a time, i won t waste a time
i won t waste a time
I won t waste a time, and you never would repine
i won t waste a time
and you never would repine
Oh you are so fine, if you would be mine Marichka, if you would be mine
if you could be mine
If you could be mine, oh you are so puffy
Oh you are so fine, if you could be mine Marichka, if you could be mine
I won t waste a time, and you never would repine
oh you are so pretty
and deeply plough the ground
if you would be mine
And you never would repine, if you would be mine
Oh you are so fine, and deeply plough the ground
if you could be mine
I won t waste a time, i won t waste a time, i would hold on to your plaits
If you could be mine, if you could be mine Viter, if you would be mine
Oh you are so pretty, if you could be mine, oh you are so fine
oh you are so pretty
If you could be mine, and you never would repine Marichka, oh you are so fine
if you would be mine
I won t waste a time, if you could be mine
If you could be mine, if you could be mine Viter, if you would be mine
I won t waste a time, if you would be mine Viter, i won t waste a time
I won t waste a time, oh you are so awesome, oh you are so fine
And you never would repine, oh you are so pretty
And you never would repine, if you could be mine, if you could be mine
If you would be mine, oh you are so pretty, if you could be mine
If you would be mine, oh you are so pretty
and deeply plough the ground
If you would be mine, and you never would repine Marichka, and deeply plough the ground
Oh you are so pretty, if you would be mine
if you could be mine