Текст песни
Mayhem and murder, mayhem and murder
Picking targets, picking targets, cocaine and heroin
blame it on the president
Sex and violence, picking targets Mayhem, rape and murder
picking targets
the shopping malls
High speed chases on again, mayhem and murder
cocaine and heroin
No understanding in the end, mayhem and murder
mayhem and murder
Will have us questioning authority, mayhem and murder
This is called american, fading glory i can see And, has had its dose of reality
Ignore the homeless, mayhem and murder
Telling lies with confidence, consuming victims
Picking targets, high speed chases on again Skulls, war deploying idiots
all because you got yours
Nuclear weapons still exist, mayhem and murder
mayhem and murder
rape and murder
Blame the poor, rape and murder
Picking targets, cocaine and heroin
War deploying idiots, sex and violence Mayhem, war deploying idiots
rape and murder
this is called american
Telling lies with confidence, has had its dose of reality
Nuclear weapons still exist, nuclear weapons still exist
exploiting them
War deploying idiots, power hungry governments
fading glory i can see
vicious cycle over again
The shopping malls, vicious cycle over again, fading glory i can see
war deploying idiots
vicious cycle over again
High speed chases on again, to scare and entertain your brain
Blame it on the president, war deploying idiots
The shopping malls, power hungry governments, mayhem and murder
all because you got yours
this is called american
High speed chases on again, consuming victims, all because you got yours
Sex and violence, mayhem and murder
Picking targets, mayhem and murder, the shopping malls
Mayhem and murder, ignore the homeless
consuming victims
high speed chases on again
Has had its dose of reality, exploiting them Skulls, all because you got yours
Nuclear weapons still exist, vicious cycle over again, all because you got yours
Ignore the homeless, the shopping malls
Mayhem and murder, picking targets
all because you got yours
rape and murder
Picking targets, ignore the homeless
High speed chases on again, no understanding in the end
Will have us questioning authority, ignore the homeless
has had its dose of reality
Telling lies with confidence, vicious cycle over again
Blame the poor, power hungry governments Skulls, fading glory i can see