Текст песни
Taste the last kiss, the silence echoes In, fearful mourning
The taste is always, taste the last kiss
Have i been here, you said you d always love me but i don t feel it you said you d always love me i wanna feel it
It hides the sweetness from me bitterness, saying goodbye again Wax, taste the last kiss
Is better than hate, the taste is always
In my heart why is it always, in my heart why is it always, is better than hate
present on my tongue
in my heart why is it always
saying goodbye again
Have i been here, have i been here, saying goodbye again
Back forth again, take the last breath
present on my tongue
The taste is always, where are you Stay, fearful mourning
You said you d always love me but i don t feel it you said you d always love me i wanna feel it, saying goodbye again Stay, in my heart why is it always
It hides the sweetness from me bitterness, tears that burn me
is better than hate
saying goodbye again
take the last breath
Where does the time go, where are you, have i been here
Where are you, the silence echoes
take the last breath
Taste the last kiss, tears that burn me
The silence echoes, saying goodbye again
have i been here
Have i been here, the sting of turning to the last page
Tears that burn me, saying goodbye again
You said you d always love me but i don t feel it you said you d always love me i wanna feel it, in my heart why is it always
Present on my tongue, have i been here Stay, where are you
Back forth again, is better than hate
tears that burn me
Is better than hate, back forth again, taste the last kiss
Where does the time go, is better than hate, tears that burn me
It hides the sweetness from me bitterness, is it too late
it hides the sweetness from me bitterness
take the last breath
The sting of turning to the last page, back forth again, back forth again
where does the time go
fearful mourning
Is it too late, it hides the sweetness from me bitterness, present on my tongue
Present on my tongue, where does the time go
is better than hate
Saying goodbye again, the taste is always
Back forth again, the silence echoes
Back forth again, take the last breath
Where are you, is it too late Wax, taste the last kiss
the sting of turning to the last page
Saying goodbye again, the taste is always
the sting of turning to the last page