Текст песни
Changes are shifting outside the ways, left to be gone in the restless nights Aside, you will come around
don t let it bring you down
Left to be gone in the restless nights, left to be gone in the restless nights, left to be gone in the restless nights
Left to be gone in the restless nights, changes are shifting outside the ways
Changes are shifting outside the ways, can you hear the siren Siren, can you hear the sirens
No more fanatics, changes are shifting outside the ways
Can you hear the sirens, can you hear the siren, let s finish the kill
Changes are shifting outside the ways, don t let it bring you down, you will come around
Can you hear the sirens, changes are shifting outside the ways
Left to be gone in the restless nights, left to be gone in the restless nights
can you hear the sirens
My aching heart would bleed for your rights, no more fanatics Weak, went to be lunatic from the gracious days
No more fanatics, let s end this thrill
Left to be gone in the restless nights, my aching heart would bleed for your rights, can you hear the sirens
changes are shifting outside the ways
You will come around, let s end this thrill
Left to be gone in the restless nights, don t let it bring you down
Don t let it bring you down, don t let it bring you down, can you hear the siren
Changes are shifting outside the ways, my aching heart would bleed for your rights
Left to be gone in the restless nights, my aching heart would bleed for your rights
can you hear the sirens
went to be lunatic from the gracious days
My aching heart would bleed for your rights, can you hear the sirens, left to be gone in the restless nights
Went to be lunatic from the gracious days, can you hear the sirens Weak, left to be gone in the restless nights
left to be gone in the restless nights
changes are shifting outside the ways
Let s end this thrill, don t let it bring you down
No more haters, left to be gone in the restless nights, no more fanatics
no more fanatics
My aching heart would bleed for your rights, can you hear the siren Weak, no more haters
Went to be lunatic from the gracious days, can you hear the siren
Left to be gone in the restless nights, my aching heart would bleed for your rights
Went to be lunatic from the gracious days, you will come around
My aching heart would bleed for your rights, left to be gone in the restless nights, you will come around
changes are shifting outside the ways
Left to be gone in the restless nights, no more fanatics Weak, went to be lunatic from the gracious days
left to be gone in the restless nights
No more haters, no more haters
Changes are shifting outside the ways, went to be lunatic from the gracious days Weak, left to be gone in the restless nights
Let s end this thrill, you will come around
Went to be lunatic from the gracious days, can you hear the sirens
Don t let it bring you down, went to be lunatic from the gracious days Aside, left to be gone in the restless nights
Went to be lunatic from the gracious days, can you hear the siren, my aching heart would bleed for your rights
let s finish the kill
Can you hear the sirens, let s end this thrill
my aching heart would bleed for your rights
Can you hear the sirens, left to be gone in the restless nights
You will come around, left to be gone in the restless nights
Let s finish the kill, my aching heart would bleed for your rights Aside, don t let it bring you down
Left to be gone in the restless nights, left to be gone in the restless nights Aside, my aching heart would bleed for your rights
Can you hear the siren, no more fanatics Aside, went to be lunatic from the gracious days
Let s end this thrill, changes are shifting outside the ways
Can you hear the sirens, went to be lunatic from the gracious days
Can you hear the sirens, my aching heart would bleed for your rights, can you hear the siren
Went to be lunatic from the gracious days, my aching heart would bleed for your rights, my aching heart would bleed for your rights
Changes are shifting outside the ways, you will come around, my aching heart would bleed for your rights
Went to be lunatic from the gracious days, left to be gone in the restless nights
Changes are shifting outside the ways, went to be lunatic from the gracious days
My aching heart would bleed for your rights, changes are shifting outside the ways