Текст песни
Would be the proof they d find, and there s no telling why, atlanta is burning down
Reflects a glowing light, the striker meets the match Of, ignoring all costs
No motive to this deed, the culprit of the crime will not escape this time
Now who could ever save, he s of an evil breed, the pyromaniac will burn this town
the craving to ignite
In his psychotic mind, a tank of gasoline was proof the guillotine, no motive to this deed
atlanta is burning down
Atlanta is burning down, atlanta is burning down
Would be the proof they d find, atlanta is burning down
Atlanta is burning down, would be the proof they d find
Reflects a glowing light, cause what he left behind
armed with an evil grin
A tank of gasoline was proof the guillotine, now who could ever save
the flames begin to catch
Atlanta is burning down, the striker meets the match Atlanta, a killer to his grave
in his psychotic mind
A tank of gasoline was proof the guillotine, in his psychotic mind, atlanta is burning down
the culprit of the crime will not escape this time
His twisted thoughts unmind, would be the proof they d find
and there s no telling why
a tank of gasoline was proof the guillotine
Now who could ever save, thousands will die
He s of an evil breed, atlanta is burning down
and there s no telling why
His twisted thoughts unmind, atlanta is burning down
Reflects a glowing light, would be the proof they d find
and he s gone
atlanta is burning down
The flames begin to catch, reflects a glowing light, he s of an evil breed
the striker meets the match
the striker meets the match
In his psychotic mind, atlanta is burning down, armed with an evil grin
Cause what he left behind, thousands will die
his twisted thoughts unmind
and there s no telling why
Reflects a glowing light, the pyromaniac will burn this town Atlanta, thousands will die
The pyromaniac will burn this town, atlanta is burning down Whiplash, a tank of gasoline was proof the guillotine
His twisted thoughts unmind, thousands will die Of, reflects a glowing light
Ignoring all costs, the craving to ignite The, would be the proof they d find
That sparks the flame within, in his psychotic mind
now who could ever save
and there s no telling why
the fire in his eyes is ibearing no disguise
cause what he left behind
Would be the proof they d find, the striker meets the match, now who could ever save
cause what he left behind
And there s no telling why, atlanta is burning down
And there s no telling why, and there s no telling why
the culprit of the crime will not escape this time
the craving to ignite
And there s no telling why, armed with an evil grin
That sparks the flame within, thousands will die
In his psychotic mind, no motive to this deed
No motive to this deed, that sparks the flame within, atlanta is burning down
That sparks the flame within, a killer to his grave
A killer to his grave, a tank of gasoline was proof the guillotine
Would be the proof they d find, the striker meets the match