Текст песни
And heal it with a kiss, no wars no hate no fault no blame
Outside the sirens and the city screams, if only the world had love like ours
Turn guns into flowers, is going down fast
making love here in my room
We re light years from that, now i know what heaven means
And heal it with a kiss, they d gather all the pain
they d gather all the pain
No pain no game no shame, we re up in the zone
they d knock down the walls
We re up in the zone, they d gather all the pain, is going down fast
Turn guns into flowers, they d knock down the walls the, no wars no hate no fault no blame
if only the world could feel like this
Turn guns into flowers, without a heart it can not last, they d gather all the pain
Turn guns into flowers, now i know what heaven means, now i know what heaven means
If only the world could feel like this, we re light years from that
making love here in my room
And heal it with a kiss, and heal it with a kiss Yaki-Da, now i know what heaven means
Outside the sirens and the city screams, they d knock down the walls If, way beyond the moon
And heal it with a kiss, no wars no hate no fault no blame Yaki-Da, now i know what heaven means
Turn guns into flowers, that s not where we are, they d knock down the walls
No pain no game no shame, outside the sirens and the city screams the, they d gather all the pain
They d gather all the pain, we re light years from that
If only the world could feel like this, way beyond the moon
No aids no famine no homeless no rape, but you and me baby Yaki-Da, if only the world had love like ours
If only the world had love like ours, no pain no game no shame Only, you take me somewhere
living on a star
they d gather all the pain
this world we re living on
They d gather all the pain, no wars no hate no fault no blame, they d gather all the pain
no aids no famine no homeless no rape
They d gather all the pain, if only the world had love like ours, now i know what heaven means
You take me somewhere, if only the world could feel like this
Way beyond the moon, if only the world could feel like this, no pain no game no shame
They d gather all the pain, they d gather all the pain
If only the world could feel like this, if only the world had love like ours Only, outside the sirens and the city screams
They d knock down the walls, they d knock down the walls
If only the world had love like ours, you take me somewhere
And heal it with a kiss, no aids no famine no homeless no rape World, is going down fast
Turn guns into flowers, they d gather all the pain, if only the world had love like ours
That s not where we are, they d knock down the walls
Turn guns into flowers, turn guns into flowers
If only the world had love like ours, but you and me baby
If only the world had love like ours, they d gather all the pain the, they d gather all the pain
Now i know what heaven means, no wars no hate no fault no blame, if only the world could feel like this
No aids no famine no homeless no rape, but you and me baby, no pain no game no shame
We re up in the zone, we re light years from that
and heal it with a kiss
they d gather all the pain
without a heart it can not last
If only the world could feel like this, they d gather all the pain Yaki-Da, turn guns into flowers
they d gather all the pain
Turn guns into flowers, and heal it with a kiss
We re light years from that, outside the sirens and the city screams, if only the world could feel like this
No wars no hate no fault no blame, they d knock down the walls World, they d gather all the pain
If only the world had love like ours, you take me somewhere
They d gather all the pain, and heal it with a kiss
They d gather all the pain, no wars no hate no fault no blame
if only the world had love like ours
If only the world could feel like this, they d knock down the walls
they d gather all the pain