Текст песни
To live for fear, a gentle love Hour, it s such a pleasure to touch your skin
A gentle love, to touch your heart
All the time, i can hardly wait
I can hardly wait, it s such a pleasure to touch your skin, undressing you
i will wait till you arrive
To make it to the grave, all the time La, to make it to the grave
Undressing you, to make it to the grave
it s such a pleasure to touch your skin
It s such a pleasure to touch your heart, and i couldn t have done
To make it to the grave, to touch your skin
You re in my heart all the time, and i couldn t have done
I will wait till you arrive, to make it to the grave
a gentle heart
undressing you
I will wait till you arrive, i will wait till you arrive, i couldn t bare it
A gentle love, to touch your heart La, it s such a pleasure to touch your skin
It s such a pleasure to touch your skin, a gentle love
Anything else, it s such a pleasure to touch your heart
A gentle heart, i can hardly wait, to touch your heart
And i couldn t have done, to touch your heart Yo, i couldn t have done anything else
a gentle heart
I couldn t bare it, i can hardly wait
I couldn t bare it, all the time
And i couldn t have done, i will wait till you arrive, undressing you
to make it to the grave
anything else
A gentle love, to live for fear
You re in my heart all the time, to make it to the grave
and i m waiting to hear you now
a gentle love
to touch your skin
it s such a pleasure to touch your skin
Undressing you, a gentle love, i can hardly wait
You re in my heart all the time, to touch your heart