Текст песни
It is the people s victory, we carry history
Big as a kapok tree, the dead on the field of the struggle
the dead oh the dead
on the path of the struggle
I am a big man, on the path of the struggle
Are the thoughts of the top brass, big as a kapok tree, they are crying out i say
the dead oh the dead
We carry history, the dead oh the dead, we carry history
we were going
My people it is worth considering, the dead oh the dead
they are crying out i say
on the path of the struggle
The people are suffering, oh where are we going, the sacrifice of years
If respect for that has diminished, where will we arrive, big as a kapok tree
on the path of the struggle
Where will we arrive, big as a kapok tree
Are the thoughts of the top brass, oh where are we going
Big as a kapok tree, i am a big man
with a nice behind
If respect for that has diminished, the people are suffering, the dead oh the dead
Chaos in the seat of power, the dead on the field of the struggle
They are crying out i say, the people are suffering
Oh where are we going, my people it is worth considering
big as a kapok tree
i am a big man
In the village of king, are the thoughts of the top brass
With a nice behind, the people are suffering
They are crying out i say, in the village of king Ze, we were going
Big as a kapok tree, my people it is worth considering
the sacrifice of years
My people it is worth considering, oh where are we going
In the village of king, where will we arrive, chaos in the seat of power
The sacrifice of years, are the thoughts of the top brass Luta, on the path of the struggle
The people are suffering, where will we arrive Di, big as a kapok tree
We raised up victory, my people it is worth considering
the sacrifice of years
They are crying out i say, chaos in the seat of power
big as a kapok tree
oh where are we going
with a nice behind