Текст песни
Just trying to survive the night, shake those busy bodies if you got em
Cause we all know how to do the side walk, yea we re gonna go swimming tonight
street level line of sight
Cause its all right, street level line of sight Level, couldn t be a red cloud in sight
Street level line of sight, if you get lost in the rhythm of it you just follow the kick, well alright
Just trying to survive the night, street level line of sight Level, till my eyelids capsize
street level line of sight
Couldn t be a red cloud in sight, cause we all know how to do the side walk, cause its all right
couldn t be a red cloud in sight
Red eyes like gunshots, yeah we all learned how to do the side walk
Cause we seen it all before, gutter low tide Street, we re the pontoon goons
she s so giving in times like this
and its gonna be alright
street level line of sight
Just trying to survive the night, we re the pontoon goons
And its gonna be alright, pavement shores
cause we seen it all before
watch em from my purple bottle glass bottom
Just trying to survive the night, if you get lost in the rhythm of it you just follow the kick, cause we all know how to do the side walk
pavement shores
street level line of sight
Cause we all know how to do the side walk, if you get lost in the rhythm of it you just follow the kick
Couldn t be a red cloud in sight, well alright Zinc, street level line of sight
Till my eyelids capsize, and its gonna be alright Zinc, shake those busy bodies if you got em
Street level line of sight, and its gonna be alright Street, well alright
I let her take the wheel till my mind anneals, with a head full of pesticide Level, just trying to survive the night
gutter low tide
Yeah we all learned how to do the side walk, red lights like blood clots
Cause we all know how to do the side walk, i let her take the wheel till my mind anneals
red lights like blood clots
Watch em from my purple bottle glass bottom, with a head full of pesticide, if you get lost in the rhythm of it you just follow the kick
Street level line of sight, street level line of sight Zinc, just trying to survive the night
just trying to survive the night
With a head full of pesticide, i let her take the wheel till my mind anneals, just trying to survive the night
Red eyes like gunshots, well alright, street level line of sight
Pavement shores, cause we seen it all before Zinc, street level line of sight
With a head full of pesticide, red eyes like gunshots Zinc, and its gonna be alright