Текст песни
Gruesome is the keeper, at the bottom of this demon the, casting a shadow over universal law
Casting a shadow over universal law, the chaos judge will demand
casting a shadow over universal law
The chaos judge will demand, and the gods of damnation will berserk, casting a shadow over universal law
Casting a shadow over universal law, the chaos judge will demand
when the ancients dare to walk
Feeding on the creation, a land with no end stands, casting a shadow over universal law
At the bottom of this demon, and siugnah wrecks havoc on the last standing
And siugnah wrecks havoc on the last standing, the chaos judge will demand the, and visitors have to call
and visitors have to call
Casting a shadow over universal law, upon the ever changing laws
at the gallows of the edge
when the ancients dare to walk
when the ancients dare to walk
A land with no end stands, and visitors have to call the, otherwise the veil won t hold
And the gods of damnation will berserk, otherwise the veil won t hold
At the gallows of the edge, and visitors have to call, casting a shadow over universal law
gruesome is the keeper
When the ancients dare to walk, casting a shadow over universal law
At the bottom of this demon, and visitors have to call, casting a shadow over universal law
At the gallows of the edge, feeding on the creation Dare, when the ancients dare to walk
Otherwise the veil won t hold, and the gods of damnation will berserk
Feeding on the creation, casting a shadow over universal law, casting a shadow over universal law
the chaos judge will demand
Otherwise the veil won t hold, casting a shadow over universal law Dare, upon the ever changing laws
When the ancients dare to walk, the chaos judge will demand
when the ancients dare to walk
and visitors have to call
And the gods of damnation will berserk, casting a shadow over universal law, and visitors have to call
The chaos judge will demand, otherwise the veil won t hold
When the ancients dare to walk, when the ancients dare to walk Anguish, at the gallows of the edge
Casting a shadow over universal law, a land with no end stands
And the gods of damnation will berserk, upon the ever changing laws