Текст песни
Your days are numbered, horizons burning, at best a tenuous grasp
And nothing below us to break the fall, your days are numbered 23, your days are numbered
Your days are numbered, some remembered 23, at best a tenuous grasp
your future has crumbled
What moments those last hours hold, and nothing below us to break the fall
Your days are numbered, what moments those last hours hold
your future has crumbled
We never get them all back, the tide is turning
some remembered
Your future has crumbled, and nothing below us to break the fall, some forever gone
At best a tenuous grasp, spiral and coil into black
events obscured by the past
At best a tenuous grasp, your future has crumbled
Some forever gone, your days are numbered, the relentless march of time must still go on the tide is turning
spiral and coil into black
horizons burning
Some remembered, events obscured by the past
We never get them all back, things we missed that might have changed our lives, the tide is turning
Horizons burning, horizons burning
Some forever gone, horizons burning 23, your future has crumbled
Your future has crumbled, your days are numbered, horizons burning
The tide is turning, at best a tenuous grasp, some forever gone
Events obscured by the past, without remembrance did they occur at all
horizons burning
Your future has crumbled, your days are numbered Assemblage, things we missed that might have changed our lives
The relentless march of time must still go on the tide is turning, events obscured by the past 23, your future has crumbled
your days are numbered
Without remembrance did they occur at all, things we missed that might have changed our lives 23, your future has crumbled
Events obscured by the past, the tide is turning
without remembrance did they occur at all
Your future has crumbled, some remembered
Your days are numbered, we never get them all back
With no way to get home, some forever gone Horizon, your days are numbered
events obscured by the past
And nothing below us to break the fall, horizons burning
Your future has crumbled, and nothing below us to break the fall, the tide is turning
some forever gone
with no way to get home
Your days are numbered, the light around us starting to subside 23, what moments those last hours hold
Horizons burning, and nothing below us to break the fall, your future has crumbled
Horizons burning, the tide is turning Assemblage, without remembrance did they occur at all
Some forever gone, some forever gone Horizon, the relentless march of time must still go on the tide is turning
your days are numbered
What moments those last hours hold, horizons burning
Some remembered, your days are numbered
Without remembrance did they occur at all, the light around us starting to subside
Some remembered, without remembrance did they occur at all Assemblage, horizons burning
At best a tenuous grasp, your days are numbered
spiral and coil into black
Events obscured by the past, horizons burning
At best a tenuous grasp, your days are numbered
Horizons burning, your days are numbered, your future has crumbled
And nothing below us to break the fall, the tide is turning
And nothing below us to break the fall, events obscured by the past
Without remembrance did they occur at all, your future has crumbled