Текст песни
Ready reduction, each one degrades
we never noticed it at all
the world outside is burning coldly
we never noticed it at all
a mental drought
listless eyes stare ever blankly
Our own destruction, that leads to nowhere, we made our own end
Our own destruction, run for the exit
our own destruction
We never noticed it at all, it doesn t matter
It s doing us in over and out, the world outside is burning coldly Assemblage, beyond a doubt
A barren future, a barren future &, nature or nurture
Listless eyes stare ever blankly, we never noticed it at all Assemblage, run for the exit
over and out
you think it s funny
The world outside is burning coldly, recursive copies
the image fades
listless eyes stare ever blankly
Our own destruction, over and out &, we never noticed it at all
Listless eyes stare ever blankly, with furrowed brows &, with furrowed brows
What you believe, you think it s funny
nothing behind them ever stirs
You think it s funny, over and out
listless eyes stare ever blankly
Over and out, like squinting primates
Over and out, each one degrades
Over and out, over and out, a damaged road
ready reduction
Listless eyes stare ever blankly, the world s devolving
a barren future
Over and out, beyond a doubt
The world outside is burning coldly, recursive copies &, the image fades
That leads to nowhere, we made our own end, stupification
With furrowed brows, over and out, recursive copies
A barren future, stupification, it doesn t matter
it s doing us in over and out
We made our own end, stupification Over, stupification
Each one degrades, we never noticed it at all
Recursive copies, with furrowed brows
We never noticed it at all, over and out
To bring about, the image fades
we never noticed it at all
Listless eyes stare ever blankly, to bring about
A mental drought, nothing behind them ever stirs Assemblage, nature or nurture
Our own destruction, recursive copies
Nothing behind them ever stirs, we never noticed it at all
Stupification, that leads to nowhere
Run for the exit, the world s devolving
Recursive copies, stupification
Over and out, ready reduction
the world outside is burning coldly
nothing behind them ever stirs